Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 –

"What the fucks going on here?" Andy asks as he storms in the attic followed by Joel and Adam. He sees Ryan on the floor sighs then rips off his duct tape. 

"They tricked me...."

Without warning Tom comes at Andy and tries to punch him. Joel and Nathan fight and Max and Adam fight. Ryan is still on the floor, tied up and is probably going to stay there a while. 

"Girls...come here..." Charly whispers to Emma and Abigail. They all step back against the wall and watch as the three boys fight 3/4 of Lawson for freedom. 

"Oh God..." Emma groans as Nathan is whacked against the opposite wall by Joel. 

Charly is hiding her face again. Peeking out between her fingers to try and see of the boys will succeed.

"Shit, Tom? Tom???" Abigail squeals as Tom gets knocked out on the floor. She runs over to him but is stopped by Andy and pushed back towards the other girls. Adam pushes Max next to Nathan so they are both held firmly against the wall by their throats. The knives in Adam and Joel's pockets are whipped out and pressed against their necks. 

"Andy? A little help here?" Ryan says still tied down. Andy unties him and then smacks Charly (the nearest girl to him) around the face. She screams and rubs her cheek. Her face goes red with pain and everyone winces at the horrible sound it makes.

“Great so the murderers are now abusing girls...nice one boys. You won’t get away with this y’know.” Max says as strongly as he can whilst he’s behind threatened with a knife to his throat.

“What makes you think that? Hm...?” Adam chuckled pushing the knife further into his throat.

“Be quiet, Adam! Get these guys back in position. Take your pick, leave Tom though!” Andy smirks.

Max and Nathan are forced onto the two chairs opposite Charly and Abigail also on two chairs. Emma replaces Nathan in chains, Tom still lying on the floor.

Max’s plan has failed...badly. Everyone is devastated, moments ago they were free and able to move around but now they were all tied down again. Except Tom.

Abigail starts asking questions. “What are you going to do with us? Why are you leaving Tom? Are you going to kill us all? What...” Joel uses the duct tape over her mouth and says “Shut the fuck up or I will kill you right now!”

“Don’t touch her again!” Tom murmurs trying to stand up. Andy, Ryan and Adam are sharpening knives.

“Oh look who’s come round.” Andy sighs. “I have a job for you.” He hands Tom the knife. “Ok, you see that guy over there? Your best friend, the other half of your bromance. I’d like for you to kill him, please.”

“Well, no. Of course I’m not going to kill Max.”

“Oh I think you are. Unless you’d like these three to die.” He points to the girls. “I mean that gun that Adam has will kill them instantly. Nothing but a spatter of blood on the floor. It’s your choice. Of course, we’ll kill your girlfriend first.” Andy winks at Abigail she tries to say something through the tape but no-one can understand the murmurs.

“Tom, just do it!” Max insists. “Kill me, just do it. The girls can’t die. I’ve lived a good life, haven’t we all, I mean we’re in The Wanted. One of the most successful boy-bands of our time. Kill me, save the others.”

“No, I can’t.” Tom whimpers, a tear rolling down his cheek.

“If you insist.” Andy threatens; he pulls Abigail’s hair up until it comes to the point where it might rip.

“Stop! Fine, I’ll do it.” Tom says reluctantly.

He walks over to Max. “I’m so, so sorry.” Another tear rolling down his cheek.

“It’s cool man. I’ll always be here. Tom, I love you.” He winks childishly.

Tom plunges the knife into Max’s chest, puncturing his heart and lungs. “I love you too, Max.”

“No...” Nathan groans as the blood dribbles down the chair Max was previously tied to.

Lawson all cheer as Tom falls to his knees in tears. Max breathes his last breath and hangs over the rope tying him down. His eyes stare blankly at nothing. Lawson don’t even try to make him look peaceful but chuck him next to Siva in the corner.

Who’s next? Flashes through everybody’s mind.

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