Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 –

“Why? Why did you have to do that?” Emma sobs, sitting down on the floor next to Nathan’s dead body. Her blood-covered clothes are stained in his blood and she’s screaming and crying at Lawson. “He’s so young! He has his whole life ahead of him. You just killed a nineteen year old boy...”

“Yeah we did. It felt awesome!” Joel chuckles.

“Take her out guys!” Andy orders Ryan and Adam. They drag Emma, kicking and screaming up to the attic again, leaving Nathan’s cold, dead body to rot in the bathroom tied to the chair still.

Emma was forced down to sit next to Tom (almost dead himself) on a chair opposite Abigail, hanging her head in sadness. They can both see the excessive amount of blood, some not hers, and wounds on Emma’s skin. C

“Nathan’s not coming back up those stairs is he?” Charly asks looking at the door.

“Nope, he’s....he’s dead...” Emma cries.

Tom tries to soothe her. He can’t reach her to hold her hand but he can just about speak. “Emma, stop crying. You’re letting those fuckers get what they want. It’s ok; we all miss the four of them.”

She nods, sadly, blinking away the tears. Joel and Andy come up.

“What did you call us, Tom?” Andy asks walking towards him.

“Fuckers! Get your hearing aids checked!” He starts shouting at them. “Stop killing every fucking person you see. Just because you’re jealous of what we have...had.”

“I’d advise you to shut up!” Joel shouts back.

“Well, I’d advise you to stop fucking around and let us three go but that’s not stopping you, is it?”

Joel rolls his eyes.

Tom starts shouting at the top of his voice mentioning all the members of the band. Every time he says Nathan’s name Emma starts crying again. Abigail tries to soothe her from across the room whilst Charly is too upset to speak.

It’s been so long since she’s seen her Jaybird. He used to wake her up with cups of tea and a kiss in the morning, tease her about wearing the ring in public and being embarrassed about being engaged. His blue eyes would sparkle whenever she looked into them. She used to trace the tattoos on his arms and smile. His face would light-up whenever she walked into a room. He used to stroke the back of her hand with his thumb whenever she was upset about the silliest things. He talked about the future with her. About how their children would have been so beautiful and whether or not they’ll let them play with Neytiri. Most of all when he watched Avatar with her he would shed a tear and kiss the top of her head whispering “I see you”. He loved her and she loved him too. The only thing she has left of him now is her engagement ring. Neytiri is still at Jayne’s thank goodness. Otherwise, he’d probably be mince meat already.

When Tom stops shouting for a minute and let Lawson think over their ways (not that they were going to) Abigail suddenly has a thought. Tom is the last one left. If he pushes it too far, he’s going to be killed.

He starts shouting again.

“Tom, stop it, please?” She begs. “Shut up! For a second please?”

He just carries on ranting to Lawson, ignoring her pleads to silence him.

Charly, sitting next to Abigail, asks quietly, “Why do you want him to shut up?”

“If he angers them more than they are already, he’s going to die next... I can’t do this. I wish they’d just kill me already.” Abigail cries.

Tom overhears, “Don’t say that! Please, babe?” He starts shouting at Lawson again, “Now look what you’ve done! FUCK YOU!”

The 4 angry men have had enough. “Shut the fuck up!” Adam hisses, holding the gun to Tom’s head. Abigail bursts out crying.

Tom shuts up.

“Not yet, Adam. We haven’t finished our game yet!” Andy smiles and the 4 guys go down the attic stairs; closing the door behind them and making it pitch black.

“I’m sorry...all of you.” Tom apologises through the darkness. All 3 girls are crying now. They stop to hear Lawson make their way to the sofa and start to watch the television.

An unmistakeable, recognisable noise is heard. The basement door creaks open and slowly clicks shut again.

“Shit.”All four of them say synchronised.

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