Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 –

The thing came up the stairs, slowly and smoothly, barely making a sound. The attic grew colder and the 4 trapped people could feel it.

“Was that the basement door again?” Charly asks the others. They all nod in sync.

It starts to rain slightly; it’s quickly getting harder, thumping against the one and only window in the attic.  The attic door opens quickly as a flash of lightning and boom of thunder struck. Everyone was shaking. Something taps on the window. The whole window frosts over at the touch of whatever had tapped it.

Everyone’s attention is caught. Red smudges start appearing in the frosty glass. It’s blood.

“Whattttttttttttt?” Emma asks confused. They all are.

‘It was me’ it seems the blood is a message.

“What was it?” Tom asks.

The pitch black room is lit up by another strike of Lightning. ‘Jay’ is written. What seem like invisible fingers scribble out the message, leaving just a blurred red stain on the window. Lawson burst through the already open door.

The four tied-up people stop looking at the bloody window and back to Lawson.

“Who opened the door and who put blood on the window?” Andy demands.

Abigail stares at the window again whilst the other try to find a way of explaining that it wasn’t them. The frost is melting and fading whilst the blood seeps away, vanishing even thought it had been there a few seconds ago.

“It’s gone now. Oh well.” Ryan informs the group. “Out of sight, out of mind.” Lawson forget about it.

Charly is looking around the dusty room for an escape route, as she has many times before, but this time she notices something different. The spot where Siva had died, been murdered, still has a pool of blood that is meant to be drying up. It is stirring, though no person has been near it in a long while. Suddenly, a heavy boot mark appeared, as if someone was wading through Siva’s blood.

The mark starts moving, making prints on the floor as it goes, towards the door.

“Guys?” Charly tries to alert the others whilst still in shock.

Joel asks her what’s wrong but she doesn’t say anything, just stares at the prints, trying to put the pieces together.

(Hair pulling, TV funny business, Tom being pulled out of bed, Jay dying of unknown causes etc.) She grimaces at the recall of all of these memories.

The boots prints stop by the door before it suddenly slams shut. Everyone jumps including Lawson, Charly snaps out of her deep thoughts.

Everyone thinks the thing has left the room. Lawson ignore the mysterious events and decide to play a game. Only, Lawson don’t know the thing is waiting in the room, waiting to play a little game of its own.

Lightning in a Red SkyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora