Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 –

“I’m going up now.” Charly says, rubbing her eyes. It’s 11pm and the TV program just finished.

“Okay night, Hun!” Emma gets off of Adam’s lap and hugs her goodnight.

“Sleep well!” Abigail hugs her too.

“Don’t disturb the boys!” Andy smiles.

“I won’t. It doesn’t even involve me anyway. Jay’s dead. Night...” She runs past the basement door and walks slowly up the stairs. Ryan quietly slips away and follows her up. Without Charly noticing he creeps past her, goes into Max’s room and grabs one of the three knives.

As Charly is about to open her bedroom door she hears the muffled shouting and banging from the attic door. She walks up to it and as she turns away Ryan launches at her. He covers her mouth with his hand and places the knife blade against her throat.

“Now, when I let go of your mouth, call the girls up. You got that?” Ryan hisses. Charly nods, a tear running down her cheek.

Ryan lets go of her mouth. “Girls, can you come here a minute?” Charly calls down.

“Coming!” Emma shouts back up.

“I wonder what creepy thing has happened now.” Abigail sighs, standing up.

“You better do as you’re told.” Andy winks.

Joel and Adam jump up and grab the two girls. Abigail and Emma scream. They try to drag them to the stairs but Emma’s not having it. She kicks up a massive fight and gets out of Adam’s grip. She backs up into Andy who smashes her head down on the breakfast bar, making her pass out.

“EMMA!” Abigail screams.

Upstairs, the boys can hear the commotion.

“They better not hurt her!”Nathan cries.

“They won’t... they won’t...” Siva tries to reassure them all.

Outside the attic door Ryan is holding a knife to Charly’s neck and holding her mouth closed again.

Downstairs Andy throws Emma over his shoulder and carries her upstairs. Adam and Joel drag Abigail up behind him. They are all outside the attic door at this stage.

“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE DOOR!  Otherwise these gorgeous girls will suffer!!!” Andy shouts to the 4 trapped boys.

They have to listen to what they say. They back away from the door. Andy opens it and gets Ryan to coax Charly up with the knife first. Charly is pushed in, Abigail is dragged in and Emma gets carries in, still unconscious. Lawson get the five chairs that were left in the attic and ties Abigail and Charly to a chair each and Tom and Siva opposite. Max is tied to a chair in the corner and Nathan is chained to the wall with the pipe chains that keep the water pipe from falling down. Emma is laid down next to him. Nathan can’t move far enough to reach her and tend to her. All he can do is watch as the others are being tied by these evil boys.

What can he do? What can any of them do?

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