Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 –

"Go on then! Get to it!!" Ryan orders as the three girls grab various cloths, sponges and rags to clean with.

"Charly, I can't do this. I need to get out of here." Emma complains whilst mopping the wooden floor.

"We can get through this! Jay, Siva and Max didn't die for us to do nothing!" Charly tries to liven up the group.

"Where are the boys anyway?" Abigail asks.

"They're probably still in the attic, waiting for us. Now let's get this done!" Charly says with as much positivity as possible.

Lawson sit down to watch TV and relax whilst the girls clean the whole of the downstairs area starting with the hallway, dining room, living room (being careful not to get in the way of the 4 evil men lounging on the sofa) and then they start work on the kitchen.

"Are we idiots or something? Get all the knives! We can kill these fuckers." Abigail whispers opening the cutlery drawer. All the knives have gone. She rushes round the whole kitchen, checking all the drawers with no result.

"They've taken every single one!"

"Oh God, we're never going to get out of here. And Nathan and Tom are gonna get killed, aren't they?" Emma asks stopping with the scrubbing.

"No they're not. Don't think like that!" Charly pipes up.

They all resume cleaning for hours and hours’ making sure everything is perfect so Lawson have less of a reason to kill them all. When they finish they collapse on the L-shaped sofa. That's their only option. They have to sit in-between the members of Lawson. (Andy, Abigail, Ryan, Emma, Adam, Charly, and Joel) the girls are all stiff with fear whilst the boys are pretty relaxed about the whole thing.

Adam asks Emma to make him something to eat and even though she's tired, she obeys. She makes him a sandwich and as she comes back into the living room she hears Adam say, "That Nathan, he didn't even give a flying fuck that Max died. Ha-ha, what a bastard band mate!"

"You fucker!" Emma screams, chucking the sandwich at Adam's chest.  He stands up quickly, strides over to her and slaps her clean around the face. She starts to cry and both the girls get up and hug her, making sure she's alright. 

"Well, we were going to let you have the night off but I think Andy'll agree that we think you should go and clean upstairs now. Every bit of it!!!" Ryan says pushing the girls towards the stairs. They all walk upstairs, quickly, getting away before they can be slapped or knifed or something again. Emma and Charly start cleaning the bathroom whilst Abigail heads into her and Tom's room.  There's a blood-curdling scream as she sees Tom, almost dying of thirst and starvation, tied to her bed.

She runs over to him, holding his cheek and kissing his forehead. "Tom, can you hear me?" She kisses his lips.

"Yep." He opens his eyes as much as they'll go with no moisture in his body.  Emma and Charly rush in after hearing the scream. Time slows down for Emma. She sees Tom on the bed and knows there'll be a similar situation for Nathan. She sprints down to the end of the hallway and into her room to see Nathan tied up too.

"Nathan!" she says running towards him and kissing him intensely, it could be the last time she could ever do that.  Something inside Charly snaps and she runs down to Lawson, screaming at them, ready to hit them but they stop her and carry her upstairs, roughly. Abigail and Emma are trying to untie the tight knots around their boyfriend’s wrists and ankles to no avail.

Andy and Adam take Charly into the attic whilst Joel and Ryan scoop up Abigail and Emma. They bring the two lads up moments later. 

Tom caught a glimpse of the knife blade as it caught the light of the moon, reflecting off a broken mirror. Everyone was scared. What were the four lads that were their next door neighbours, the lads they thought they could trust, the lads they thought that could help them, what were those lads doing, tying up The Wanted and their girlfriends? One of the four men walked closer to Nathan, holding a gun to his temple, threatening to shoot. He was going mad with power. Everyone froze. Not a sound was heard, not a breath taken. A bead of sweat ran from Nathan’s head and onto his shirt as he gulped and stood his ground as the gun’s pressure increased into his skin. Still no-one spoke or even dared to breath heavy. Nathan scowled up at the shadowed figure, he smiled back smugly. Emma started to beg. “Please don’t hurt him. I’ll do anything!” She pleaded whilst the others kept quiet and hid their eyes because they knew what was coming. “Either way.” The shadowed figure said, pulling the trigger of the gun… Emma kicked the gun out of his hand so the bullet hit the pipe behind Nathan. It was a narrow escape. 

"Bitch, you'll regret that!!" Andy snarls. 

Tom's drifting in and out of consciousness. Andy grabs Emma and Joel takes Nathan down the attic stairs and into the bathroom Emma and Charly had just been cleaning. Abigail and Charly are screaming and threatening the Lawson boys as they took their friends away. The pristine, white bathroom might be about to get dirty. The other 2 boys left the attic and came down to help Andy and Joel tie Nathan and Emma to more chairs.  What next? 

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