Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 –

“Hello?” Adam calls downstairs, investigating. He can hear the theme tune of Avatar (Jay’s favourite film) playing.

“Adam, stop messing around! No-one is there!” Andy insists, untying Charly who is in tears still.

“Let’s go down and check anyway. Plus these girls need a change of scenery.” Adam says, untying Abigail who refuses to move without being forced.

The two girls get basically handcuffed to each other with yet another piece of rope, one that is stained with a member of The Wanted’s blood.

“Girls first?” Adam asks, a little scared of whom or what awaits them down there.

They both shove the girls, down the stairs, not so they fall but that they are almost running down the narrow steps. The two boys follow. They then shove the girls down the next set of stairs in the same way so they’re now outside the closed basement door.

Andy goes over to the TV and turns off Avatar. The blue Avatars on the screen make Charly cry even more than she is already.

“I want Jay back!” she wails into Abigail’s arm, soaking her blood stained t-shirt through.  Abigail pats her on the back. She is so angry about what Lawson have done. This was meant to be a new start of The Wanted. A whole new life. But Lawson ruined it all. Anger built up inside of Abigail as she fixed Lawson with an icy glare.

“Let’s go. It was nothing just the TV shorting out.”  Andy says, pulling the girls rope handcuffs so they move. The girls refuse to move but Lawson are strong. It’s surprising that Lawson are that strong.

As they are about to step on the bottom of the stairs, the basement door flings open and Adam gets dragged into it, quick as a flash, it slams shut behind him.

“Adam!!!”Andy yells, grabbing hold of the door handle and pulling it, leaving the girls gripping each other in fright.

“We have to get out of here!” Charly whispers, pulling Abigail towards the front door that’s surrounded by large glass windows, making sure Andy doesn’t notice.

“Charly, it’s locked!” Abigail says about to walk away.

“Yes, but you’re forgetting you can smash the windows.” she says grabbing a chair and forcing the legs through the glass.

Andy looks up and tries to come over but it’s as if his hands are welded to the door handle. “Come back here now girls!” He orders, turning red in rage.

“FUCK YOU!” Charly says sticking her middle finger up and helping Abigail get through the window, she grabs a knife from the kitchen table just next to the door and starts cutting the rope handcuffs. It frays in a matter of seconds and the pair are unlinked from each other.

“Come on!” Abigail pulls Charly through the window. “Where are we going?”

“I don’t care as long as we go now!” Charly grabs Abigail’s wrist, running with her and throwing the knife aside into the bushes.

They are breathless by the time they reach the town centre, a police station just across the road. They dart across and rush up to the desk to reach a grumpy officer.

“Quick. Police. House. Lawson. Murderers.” Charly splutters to the policeman.

He looks annoyed at her outburst.

The next few minutes are a blur for the girls, explaining what happened and how it happened and who it happened to. The police actually believe them which they find as a big shock in itself. They make their way, in a police car, to the house. The horrible house that is full of only bad things.

They try to explain how to be careful of Lawson, how the doors are locked but as they stay in the car and watch the police walk through the door they begin to doubt themselves.

After 10 minutes the 3 officers return with annoyed expressions.

The lady says, “There’s nothing there. No blood, no people, no boys and the only broken thing is the window you broke to get out.”

The girls climb out of the car.

“It’s a criminal offence to waist police time!” The grumpy man calls as he drives away in the car.

The two girls walk into the house. It’s clean and tidy, the only thing out of place is the glass shards on the floor by the window. They both investigate the whole house and come back down to meet outside the basement.

“Only place left.” Abigail sighs, pulling the handle.

A huge gust of wind rushes out of the door and pushes the girls slightly. They then get pulled in, the door again slamming and locking shut behind them.

The tiptoe down the steps in the basement and stare in horror at the bloody, sticky pile of 8 people. They both, holding hands, walk around the pile and notice two extra bodies slumped to the side. Adam and Andy.  Adam’s head dismembered from the rest of his body and Andy has scratches and gashes across his chest that caused his painful, mysterious death.

“How is Jay here? The police took him.” Charly whimpers.

“I don’t know but I don’t have a good feeling about us being in here.” Abigail replies walking back up the stairs and tries to open the door. It’s locked. Abigail slumps down against the door while Charly is curious and walks around the pile of bodies. Nathan’s face white, stained with dried blood. Tom’s eyes peacefully closed but the open gash to his head looking painful. Emma’s cut to the throat, drying now and her eyes closed. Max’s face pale and a sad smile on his lips. Siva’s cheekbones still visible, even though very pale. Then Abigail came back down to join Charly.

“We’re trapped.”

“I know, and the thing that killed Jay, Adam and Andy is here with us.” Charly informs Abigail as she notices tiny, bloody footprints coming towards them.

“This is the end, Charly.” Abigail cries, linking her fingers with Charly. “Thank you for being my friend.”

“No, thank you.” Charly sobs. The thing stops suddenly in front of them.

They hear a whisper from the invisible.

“Get out! Go run! We’ve unlocked it for you. We love you both.” It sounded like a mix of Tom, Jay, Emma, Siva, Nathan and Max.

The both dash up the stairs and out of the basement door, out of the front door and into the house next door, using a rock to smash the front window. They forgot its Lawson’s old house until they are sat down on the sofa.

“This house has to be safe.” Abigail exclaims.

The living room door swings open silently. “Shit.”

-The End-

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