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"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK?" Dally screamed as he ran towards Y/N's house. He had been round Silvia's house rather than BUCKS. He had to sneak out before her parents saw him. Luckily for Y/N's sake he walked down the road just as they were carrying her limp body into the car.

"HEY! YOU PIECE OF SHIT.. COME HERE!" He was running towards the car, hoping he would catch up to it in time, but they started driving away before he could make it. He wasn't gonna let him take her this time. He chased after it for a while but couldn't run any further.

"Fuck.." He didn't rest for long as he bolted to the Curtis house, feeling defeated.

"DARRY! PONY, SODA? ANYONE? WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Dally was screaming, hoping to get anyone's attention.  He knew Y/N didn't have much time, and he had made a pact to himself, he wasn't going to leave Y/N like he did that night at BUCKS. Deep down he blamed himself, if he had taken notice more, he could have saved her. 

"Dally, what's wrong? It's 4 in the morning!" Darry was the first awake, he was a light sleeper anyway. He was followed by his brothers, looking disheveled and concerned. 

Dally was pacing back and forth as he told them what he saw.

"I fucking told y'all man, I told ya'll. He took her. Just now, with Tim and Angela and that annoying bitch Norma."

"They took Y/N?" Ponyboy bolted forward, demanding more answers from him.

"Yeah man, they left in Tim's car. She was unconscious." Dally sat down as he continued.

"She was unconscious, man." He made eye contact with each of the brothers before placing his head in his hands. They all didn't know how to react, Dally did warn them. Ponyboy felt so guilty for allowing her to stay there without him.

"Did you see where the car went?" Darry asked, trying to remain calm.

"Nah man, they drove off too quick."

"Well her parents are home now, maybe they heard something?" Sodapop was spouting ideas, trying to think of something.

"Her parents don't know about the situation, they probably won't notice she's not in her bed. They usually get up for work at 5, leave by 5:30 and leave a note on the kitchen table." Ponyboy informed them all, he was shaking.

"We'll go there at 6, see if they left any clues in her bedroom. Dally you'll have to pick the lock again." Darry was placing himself in charge, coming up with a plan. Even if it was a weak plan, it was making them all feel better, and distracting them from thinking about what the Shepard brothers were doing to Y/N. 

The brothers and Dally got themselves ready for the day. They had phoned the rest of the gang to let them know what was going on, and pretty soon all seven of them were were in the Curtis home by 5:30.

The mood in the house was very different to usual, everyone was internally panicking but keeping a cool exterior. Soon 6am hit, and they made their over towards Y/N's house, after making sure both her parents had left for work.  Like before, Dally picked the lock and they all made their way up the stairs and into her bedroom. Nobody had actually been inside Y/N's bedroom before and were surprised by the decor. 

Everything was very neat, in its place.  She had photos of her and her parents and of her and the Curtis brothers. She even had some photos of Mr and Mrs Curtis placed around.  The only mess was around the bed, her sheets were everywhere and a couple of items had been knocked on the floor. It was clear she had been struggling. 

"Look, I found a note!" Steve informed everyone, and he continued to read what was written.

'Dear mom and dad,
I'm sorry but I can't stay here any longer. I'm running away. I've done some awful things and I can't live with myself.  I'm an awful person and you don't deserve a terrible daughter. Don't come looking for me."

"That's not Y/N's writing. That's Angela's, Curly must have gotten her to write it." Ponyboy had seen Angela and Y/N's writing at school and could tell the difference. Sodapop came and rubbed Pony's back, he could tell his younger brother was getting panicked.

"I can't believe they got Angela involved aswell... She got along great with Y/N." Two-bit overheard and said his own suspicions.

"Curly or Tim probably threatened her, lied and made her feel like she had too. Probably been doing to same with that Norma kid too."

"But what're they doing with her? And where have they taken her?" Ponyboy was begging anyone to come up with some answers, but they all had no idea. 

"Right, we need to ask around, see if anyone knows anything.  Can everyone get the day off work? Pony and Johnny, you can skip school today. We need to find her."

Darry must have been concerned, not only to take a day off when they need the money, but to allow Pony to skip school. 

"I'm gonna ask around at BUCKS, someone must have heard some more." Dally felt somewhat guilty, it wasn't his fault that Y/N was taken, but he felt guilty that he hadn't stopped Curly that night she was raped.  He could have stopped it happening if he just paid more attention. 

"Okay Dal, Soda and Steve, you guys find out if anyone Tim hangs around with know anything. And be careful, don't give away too much and don't get into any danger.  Ponyboy and Johnny, you guys go with Two-bit and go round asking some more greasers. Stay close to Two-bit and don't put yourselves in any danger. Two, make sure you don't let them out your sight." Darry pointed at Pony as he spoke.  He knew his brother wouldn't be in the right frame of mind, he loved Y/N and his mind would be distracted. 

"What're you gonna do?" Ponyboy asked with concern in his eyes.

"I'm gonna drive around and try to find that car.  I know a few places Tim goes too.  If I find it, I'll let y'all know before I go in. Well meet at BUCKS In a couple of hours."

Each of them looked at each other in silence. They knew their duties and they knew they had limited time. Y/N's life rested on them now, and they knew if they ever wanted to see her again, they'd have to work quickly and remain tough. 

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