18. Pieces

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Her eyes were filled with fire and her body was trembling as it prepared itself to shift into its other form. 

"Really, Fay?" Max said and threw her hands up. Seeing her friend's anger crushed her heart. 

"Serafina, step away from her," Fay spoke. She was no alpha, but the authority in her voice left Serafina no choice but to back away.

"Come on!" Max cried out in frustration. She didn't know what to do with her hands so she ran her fingers through her. "You really think I'm the enemy!"

"You betrayed me!" Fay growled.

"When Lucy called, I didn't believe her. I thought there was no way you would think I would ever, EVER, hurt you deliberately. Fay! You're like my sister. No- It's deeper that. I've been there for you-"

"Seth nearly died because of you. Because of your prophecy and leaving out the most important part."

"I did not leave anything out. That is what I saw in my dream," Max tried to remain calm, though her heartbeat got faster and faster the closer Fay was shifting. 

"Liar," Fay spat out. That was the permission her body yearned to hear. She started to leap and let the transformation take place, but pain like a lightning stopped her. She collapsed on the ground her arm uncomfortable bending under her torso. She let out a whimper.

"Fay!" Max and Serafina screamed simultaneously and ran to her. 

"Are you okay?" Serafina asked and gently helped Fay to move her arm. Max tried to help too, but Fay slapped her hand away.

"Get away from me," she hissed. 

Max closed her eyes and leaned back. 

"I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to," she spoke still her eyes closed. "I have seen another dream."

Fay cursed under her breath, but Max continued.

"This time I will tell exactly what I saw. It is your responsibility to interpret it - so I cannot lead you astray."

Serafina helped Fay sit up and let her lean against her. 

"I saw a wave of blood washing these woods. It covered everything. And I saw him, Finnigan, walking here on your pack lands. He had a map on his hands and he drew lines on it. With every line, the woods shattered into pieces."

"So you came all the way here to tell me how we're all going to die and Finnigan wins," Fay shook her head. 

"Hah! I came here to change it. As I said, you are more than a sister to me; I will always fight for you and alongside you."

Fay stared at Max. She didn't say anything - just searched her eyes. She found what she had looked for, for she let her body relax.

"How can you change it?" she finally asked.

Max smiled understanding her childhood friend wasn't hostile towards her anymore.

"I'm just one piece in a puzzle. Your pack needs the support of the tribes. I happen to know many are siding with Finnigan or staying out of it. Even Dex - and dad too, have decided to not intervene. I tried to talk to them, but they claimed that tribe blood will not be spilled for this. So... I needed to do something and I came here. Dex thinks I'm visiting my parents but soon he'll figure out I'm here. Here where the west is heading to kill and destroy everything. He needs to come. My father will come too. You'll have two tribes - others will follow."

Fay let out a shaky laugh.

"You've always been good at manipulating men," she sighed. 

"Not just men - alphas," Max smiled. She turned her eyes to Serafina. 

"I sense you'll be even a bigger piece than me."


Hey lovelies!

It's a short one, I know. 

But I needed to publish it. I've deleted it too many times and I'll do it again if I don't publish is now. I'm having a hard time with this story! After some soul searching, I realized why: I don't want to let go of it. It's been with me for so many years and I've fallen in love with my characters. It will be hard to say goodbye. 

I promise to publish more chapters this week and they'll be longer. 

Thank you for being with me on this adventure!

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Thank you for commenting! (Without you, I would've stopped writing)

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