part 12 1/2 extended bonus material

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Part 12  1/2 extended

🚨*Val's letter to Ciara*🚨

Where do I begin Ciara? If you're reading this, I'm sure by now you know that I'm gone. I couldn't go without telling you the truth about everything that happened. I just want you to know I never told anyone your secret. My father overheard you talking to me about your trust fund. I would have never told him anything. I guess he just never could let it go. I never knew my father was the one that had taken jackson in the beginning. He made jackson run across the street to distract me thats how derrick wrecked and once I went into the woods he hit me. When I woke up he had jackson tied up and blindfolded. He raped me again. With jackson right there. He threatened us, he said if I didnt do all this stuff to get money from you he would keep jackson. I was so afraid I didnt know what to do. I wish I  had just told you the truth from the beginning. I wanted to at the hospital but he had taken him again. Im going to get my son. With all the fucked up shit my father did, I honestly dont know if I can live with it. I've carried these demons around too long, I think it's time for me and my father to have our final showdown.....If I dont make it back I want you to know that I love you. You're not just my friend, your my sister. You've always had my back no matter what. YOU are my family. Please take care of my  jackson. Let him know how much I loved him. Tell him that everything I did was for him......and I want you to know that even though we may have drifted apart, I never loved you any less......I love you and jackson with all my heart......always, Val

Stay tuned for the finale👀👀


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