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C H A P T E R   F O U R Grounded

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The young girl hung upside down from her bed, staring into nothing. She huffs and looks over to the empty corner of her room, where her guitars and amplifier once were. After her parents came into her room, they yelled at her for 2 hours straight.

They were extremely angry at the girl for lying to her mother about the dress. It wasn't the first time Roni has ever lied, but it was the first time she's lied to take money. So they grounded her for 2 weeks and they've taken her guitars and comic books, leaving only the books for school and herself.

She's not allowed to do anything remotely fun or entertaining. She's even banned from going to school that day. They thought that Roni could just hitch a ride with her friends and do whatever she wanted. They weren't wrong.

Roni would've just jumped from her window and escaped that way, but she didn't want to make any more trouble than what she needs. She's only a trouble maker when it best suited her. Escaping her prison cell would she make matters worse and Roni wanted to hang out with her friends while she's still young.

The girl, bored out of her mind, rolled off her bed and lands with a thud. "Ow," She mumbled. Roni pushes her body up with her arms and continues to go up and down. Since Will's disappearance, Roni has been working on building up her stamina and strength.

During the summer, she ran up and down the street in the morning. Then at night she would practice pull-ups, crunches, push-ups, etc. She felt so weak carrying the ax and running from the badmen and the bullies that she really wanted to work on herself.

So, now, after a year of working on herself and exercising more, she can lift up her ax and swing it with no problem. Or lift heavy objects. And she can run pretty fast and for a longer period of time.

But just because she can jump higher, walk further, and run faster, doesn't mean that she likes doing so. It does mean that if yet another Demogorgon comes for her and her friends, Roni would be prepared to fight them off.

"Roni? Are you okay? Where are you?" Lucas' voice comes from the radio. Roni was still on the ground, she counted thirty push ups and takes the radio that was under her bed. That was one thing that her parents couldn't find nor take from Roni.

"Yeah, I'm good. I just got grounded," Roni answers, turning on her back and holding her hand up.

"What?! Do you want Dustin to come by and pick you up?" Lucas asks.

"No, I don't wanna make it worse. But it's cool, I'll be at school tomorrow," Roni twirled her blonde hair.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm doing fine over here."

"Okay. See you tomorrow," Lucas sighs.

"Bye." Roni pulled down the antenna and continued staring up at the ceiling, bored.

Soon the girl fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of when she could finally escape her prison, also called her room. She imagined a superhero taking her from her room and them flying all over the world. She plays her guitar and he rocks out to it.

It was a dumb, useless dream, but that's why it's called a dream. Nothing but her imagination running wild. But that was Roni's only escape when she was alone. Just her and her dreams.

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