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C H A P T E R   S I XCoincidence

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They head back to the AV Club room and close the door, leaving Max out. Roni felt bad but Mike said that it was Upside Down business. If anyone outside of the small group of people who knew about it find out, the people could kill them and the person they told.

Max hits her fists on the door, but they ignore her. Mike explains why he ran out with Dart and they were completely shocked to say the least.

Lucas was the first one to speak. "I don't understand," Lucas said. They learned that Will recognized Dart's sounds before.

"What do you not understand?" Mike asks.

"Will saw something that looked like Dart last year?"

"Kind of, but there was no tail," Will says softly.

"But then he heard it yesterday. The exact same sound," Mike continues for him.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Dustin looks at Will.

"I wasn't sure," Will says.

"So it was a coincidence."

Roni moves from the back of the room to the table and leans on it. "There are no coincidences when it comes to the Upside Down. You guys, why would Will bring this up if he wasn't sure?" She looks around at them. They glance down.

"What if when Will was stuck in the Upside Down, he somehow acquired True Sight?" Mike hypothesized. Roni knitted her eyebrows.

"True Sight?" Lucas asked, wondering the same question as Roni.

"It gives you the power to see into the ethereal plane," Dustin answered numbly.

"Maybe the episodes that Will keeps having aren't flashbacks at all. Maybe they're real. Maybe Will can somehow see into the Upside Down," Mike pondered.

"So that would mean..." Lucas trails off.

"Dart is from the Upside Down."

Roni pushes her blonde hair from her face and sighs deeply. "Oh, my God, Dustin you have a pet from the Upside Down." Dustin frowns deeply.

"Yeah, yeah, we have to get him to Hopper," Lucas says. Mike agrees and Roni nods.

Dustin shakes his head. "No way. If we take him to Hopper Dart's good as dead."

"Maybe he should be," Mike looks at Dustin.

"How can you say that?" Dustin gazes at Mike with a hurt filled look.

"Dustin, Dart is from the Upside Down, a terrible place, remember? Why would you want him here?!" Roni presses her fingers down on the table at the word 'Here'.

"Maybe. But even if he is, it doesn't automatically mean that he's bad."

"That's like saying just because someone's from the Death Star doesn't make them bad," Mike stresses. Roni nods along.

"We have a bond," Dustin says softly.

"A bond?! Just because he likes nougat?"

"No, because he trusts me! I promised I would take care of him!" Dustin yells. Roni's eyes soften. She saw how much Dustin cared for Dart but he should distance himself from it before he gets really hurt.

Suddenly, Dart screeches loudly, the box jumps and rumbles. It then turns over. Mike grabs the microphone. Roni unlaces her boot and grabs it, preparing to squash this thing like a bug.

"Don't hurt him," Dustin pleads.

"Only if he attacks," Mike responds.

"Forget that, if that thing even looks at me, it's dead," Roni shakes her head. Her heart beats out of her chest, beating in anticipation. She holds the boot over her head.

"Just open it already," Lucas tells Dustin. He grabs the remote for the box and it opens. What it reveals wasn't the Dart that was before. It grew legs just in the few hours. Dart screeches loudly at Mike. He pulls back the microphone to hit it. Dustin yells and holds back the microphone.

Roni bangs her boot on the table but misses Dart by an inch. It bounces off the table and scurries towards the door. But it was locked, well, at first. Max unlocks the door and Dart runs out. They start to run out but Dustin accidently tackles Max to the floor, making Lucas trip on him. Roni grips the door frame, pulling on her boot.

When everyone untangles themselves, Mike whips his head to Max. "You let him escape!" Mike shouts. Max gaps.

"Why did you attack him?" Dustin yells at Mike, getting into his face. Mike ignores him runs the way they saw Dart hop off too. "Don't hurt him. Don't you hurt him!" Dustin points at the back of Mike's head. Roni grabs his arms, urging him to run.

"Come on!" They run alongside each other and search around the halls, but in their initial search, they couldn't find him. So, they split up, using radios to contact each other at any sightings.

Roni's search radius was all the girls bathrooms in school. Since the boys were being babies about looking in that area. "Girls bathroom in the east is clear. Heading to the south now," Roni informs. She slowly made her way to the other side, making sure she looked in every nook and cranny in the hall on her way.

"Guys...I found him," Will says softly through the radio. Roni's eyes widen.

"Where?" Dustin asks.

"In the bathroom by Mr. Salerno's," He answers. Realizing how close she is, Roni clicks on the radio.

"On my way," She runs to the boy's bathroom. And the others meet up at the same time. Dustin stood awkwardly in the bathroom.

"Where's Dart?" Mike asks Dustin, holding his palms out.

"I don't know. Not here," Dustin responds too quickly. Roni squints her blue eyes at him. Mike searches the bathroom while Max questions him.

"Where is Will?" Mike wonders. Nobody answered. They all book it to find Will. Roni, though wanting to find her friend, puts her arm across the door frame, hitting it hard. Dustin flinches slightly.

"Hey, Roni," He stretches the first word. Roni meets his eyes.

She crosses her arms over her chest, staring him down. He avoids eye contact with her. "What're you hiding, Henderson?"

"Nothing," He looks at everything but the girl who steps closer to him. She hums.

"You're lying. But I can't prove it...yet. If you have something to tell me, say it now, or face the consequences when I do find out," Roni says darkly.

He swallows hard. "I'm not lying," He states firmly. Roni shakes her head and leaves the boys bathroom. They search all around the school.

She freezes when through the radio Mike's voice rang out. "Guys, guys, guys! It's Will,"

"I found him!"

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