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C H A P T E R   S E V E N

C H A P T E R   S E V E NThoughts

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Mike shakes Will's shoulders, shouting through the radio to get everyone to come to the field. Roni runs to the field with the rest of the group and Mrs. Byers. Will stands perfectly still in the middle of the field. His arms stuck to his sides and his feet planted into the ground.

"I just found him like this!" Mike says in a panic. "I think he's having another episode!" Mike says, gripping his friend's shoulder. Will's mother shakes him and calls his name. Roni steps back and gazes at him with concern filled eyes.

Will's eyes move back and forth rapidly underneath his eyelids, but his face is completely impassive. "Will, wake up. Can you hear me? Will, please, just wake up. It's mom. It's me!" Mrs. Byers pleads. His eyes suddenly open, revealing his hazel eyes.

Mrs. Byers immediately takes him from the field with her arms around him. Will walks blankly with a dazed and almost confused expression. The group follows behind, staring worriedly.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out," Max comments.

"Us too. It's never been that bad before," Roni's baby blues follow the Byers as they head into the car. Her eyebrows knit together.

"I know. Two episodes in two days." Lucas agrees, he leans on the pole.

"It's getting worse," Mike says.

"You think it's True Sight?"

"What's True Sight?" Max asks. Lucas opens his mouth. Mike shakes his head at him.

"It's nothing," Lucas says quietly. Max looks at Roni expectedly. Roni looks down at her boots. Max holds back a disappointed sigh. They watch Will drive off before grabbing their stuff to leave.

A sudden realization dawns on Roni. She groans loudly, combing a hand through her blonde hair. "Crap! I told Steve I was staying late for a Club meeting. I have to walk, great." She slides on her backpack and adjusts it. Dustin looks up and shrugs.

"I'll take you," He offers. Roni brightens.

Roni nods, hiding her grin. "Cool," She said casually.

They ride home with Roni sitting on the back. The ride was quiet, both in their own thoughts. The blonde thought of her friend that continued to get worse and worse as the days progress. It was like Will was back but all the way yet.

She knew it would've been difficult for him to adjust back to a normal life after going through something traumatic. But this is different from all the other times after Will came home. It seemed like he was getting somewhat better. This just proves that this was not the case.

Once they make it to the Harrington home, Roni jumps off his bike. "Thanks, Dusty-Bun," Roni gives a small smile. He rolls his eyes at the nickname. She reaches up to rub his hat. Dustin snaps his hand up, grabbing her wrist.

At realizing what he's done, Dustin releases his hold. "Uh, n-no problem. Well, bye!" Dustin pedals off.

Roni furrows her eyebrows. She glances between her hand and Dustin's back. The thought enters her mind again. Heat rises up in her cheeks. She tries to shake the thought from her mind and turns to walk back to her house.

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