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C H A P T E R   N I N E
Time After Time

C H A P T E R   N I N E Time After Time

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A/N : This is one of my favorite chapters to write. Well, this and another chapter coming up ;p.

It was finally Saturday. A free day for students. Most would hang out with friends, catch up on homework, or go to their jobs. But for Roni she sat, worried and bored in the living room. Since she was still grounded, she wasn't allowed to go to the Arcade or spend time with her friends.

Even if there was something wrong with Will. She still wasn't allowed to go. Now she spent her glorious Saturday, inside, looking at the TV in her living room. Roni sat upside down on the couch with her feet in the air and her hair on the ground.

"Veronica, sit up. Or all the blood in your toes will end up in your head and your head will explode," Her mother scolds, looking at a fashion magazine.

"One can only hope, mother," Roni replied boredly. Her mother sighs and continues reading. Soon her brother comes down stairs, muttering to himself.

He notices Roni sitting upside down and points to her and mutters something incoherent. Roni furrows her eyebrows. "Hey, mom, can I take Roni on an errand I need to do," Steve asks.

"Why? Are you trying to take her to the arcade? You know, girls aren't supposed to play video games, it puts certain ideas in their heads." Mother states, pointing to her own head. Roni rolls her eyes.

Steve shakes his head. "No, no. I wouldn't want...ideas to be put in her head. I just want her to come with me to the store, that's it," Her mother nods and smiles.

"Shopping? Oh, Roni would love that, wouldn't you sweetie?" She looks at Roni.

"Oh, yes, please, I would love to go shopping with my brother," Roni spoke sarcastically. Mother smiles.

"Great! She's all free," Mother grins cheekily at her daughter.

Roni rolls backwards and lands successfully on her feet but almost trips on a cord as she's heading upstairs to change. She changes into a dusty blue shirt and a dark brown jacket. She slips into a pair of blue jeans.

They get into the car and Roni begins grilling Steve for the reason for the sudden excursion. But he keeps quiet and even when entering the flower shop, he stays silent. Roni keeps on asking questions.

Steve looks about the shop with a confused expression. He continued to brush through his hair over and over again. "Which flowers do you think Nancy would like?" He asked, overwhelmed.

"Why?" Roni crossed her arms.

"Because of...something I will tell you in the car. The quicker you help me, the quicker I will tell you," He looked her in the eyes. She stares back and thinks for a moment.

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