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A few hours later, When her parents came home, they were shocked to see that their daughter still lying in her room. It didn't look like she snuck out. She stayed put. Because of that, they lowered her grounding from two weeks to one week. But she had to promise that she wouldn't lie again, which Roni agreed to quickly.

Roni was already by Steve's car when he walks outside. He was unusually quiet, but Roni thought that he was nervous for a test or had a small fight with Nancy, just normal high school drama. She was also the first one at the bike racks, minutes before the boys came.

She notices Mike ride up to the racks. "Hey, Wheeler," She greets. Mike furrowed his eyebrows, Roni was never one to get to school earlier, in fact, she was always the last one to get there.

"Why are you here early?" He asked. The two walked side-by-side into the middle school.

"Since I wasn't here yesterday, I wanted to get here extra earlier for you guys. Just appreciate I got up at all." Roni nudged him playfully. He frowns. Mike's been completely different since El was gone. He's been acting out, graffiting, stealing, lying. All the things Roni did and sometimes still do when she wanted attention or felt sad.

They soon saw Lucas and Max walking together in the hallway. Roni speeds up and taps her shoulder. "Hey, Max. I'm sorry we didn't get to eat lunch yesterday, grounded, you know."

"It's okay," Max shrugs. "We still have the rest of the year." Roni nods and the four, with Mike in the back brooding, walk to science class.

Roni quickly noted Dustin's empty seat. Maybe he got sick or his alarm clock turned off. If he didn't show up that day, Roni was going to skip some classes to check on him. She wasn't going to lose anymore friends.

When class started the most interesting one to date. It was about a man that had a large rod driven in his head and he survived. Roni lays her chin in her hand and stares at the projection screen, hanging on Mr.Clarke's every word.

"Phineas miraculously survived. He seemed fine. And physically, yes, he was. But his injury resulted in a complete change to his personality. So much so that friends that knew him started referring to him as 'No longer Gage.'" Mr. Clarke explains.

Roni takes down notes. "At the time, this was known as the American Crowbar Case. Although it wasn't a--" Dustin suddenly bursts through the door. Everyone looks at him.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Clarke," Dustin pants as he slides into his seat. "Really, I'm so sorry. Please continue with the class."

"Although it wasn't a crowbar, it was a rod, as I said," He continues. They sat pressed forward to hear what Dustin had to say.

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