Chapter 13: Braving the Cold

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Hotshot groaned as he had a snow plow attached to the front end of his SUV mode.

"What's the matter honey?", Medix asked over the comm with a cheeky tone, "Are you upset that Wedge is doing better than you at plowing the snow?"

Wedge bursted out laughing as he created a path for the humans to get to the safety of their homes.

Hotshot only groaned again.

"Oh don't feel bad, Hotshot!", Whirl said through the comm as she was escorting families into underground shelters who didn't have basements within their homes, "Wedge has been doing this for years. You'll get the hang of it!"

Hotshot sighed as he got on the comm, "It's not that, it's just this stupid thing is really heavy and the ice is too thick for me to get any traction."

"It was your idea to do that, Hotshot", Hoist commed as he was pulling overturned cars out of a snow bank.

"Well now I've changed my mind!", Hotshot said as he transformed.

He then looked down to see that the snow plow was attached to his chest.

Medix bursted out laughing at the sight, almost waking a recharging Starlight in the process.

When he caught his breath, he got on the comm, "Wow honey! I didn't know you had work done!"

Hotshot pulled a face at the camera as his team bursted out laughing, "Shut up, DDD."

Everyone, minus an agitated Medix, couldn't contain themselves they were laughing so hard.


"I really need to get some sort of sirens like yours babe", Hotshot said as he zipped around in his hovercraft mode.

"Well golly if you asked sooner, I would've let you borrow mine during my leave", Medix commed as he breastfed Starlight.

"Aw but you won't get me one?", Hotshot jokingly whined.

"Nope", Medix responded as Starlight kept feeding, "I know you'll break it from how many times you'll scare one of us with it."

"Hey I'm a changed mech! I'm a sire now!"

"Oh yeah? Then explain why you snuck up behind me and wiggled your servos up my chestplate to grab my boobs. IN FRONT OF OUR TEAM."

"I uh... I have no explanation, other than the fact that I just wanted to piss you off."

"Yeah. I figured."

Hotshot needed to change the subject quickly before he digs his own grave any deeper, "Oh! Uh.... gotta go! There's some humans needing to go to the hospital- BYE!"

Hotshot immediately shut off the comm before his mate could say anything, thinking he was in the clear.

Until his mate sent him a bond.

'You're dead'

Hotshot shrieked in response causing him to slide off the road and into a ditch.

Thankfully, Hoist witnessed the whole thing.

"Need a tow?", Hoist giggled as he pulled up to the ditch.

Newsparks- Hotshot x Medix (Rescue Bots Academy)Where stories live. Discover now