Untrue, you🦋

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This oneshot was made a while ago actually...its mostly angst :/ Its based off a true story^^ the song actually has lyrics that go along with this oneshot very well

Author P.O.V

No one wants to feel like a burden. Words cut deep but so does actions. Simply walking away can make one feel unimportant. He watched as the sky fading into a darker desolation. Making the air cold and frigid.

The fragile boy walked along the street, clinging his arms to his torso. He could hear the clatter of his teeth as he shivered in the night. He remembered the words he was told earlier that day. "Stop acting hurt."

If you were told that, what would you do? Told by someone you considered your friend. Your crush. And not only that, they walked away like you were unimportant.

Jungkook gently opened the door to his apartment. He set his stuff down with a sigh. That scene replaying in his head many times. Jungkook has been good about stopping this habit, but today was different.

He grabbed the box cutter from his room, and did what you would think. He felt satisfied seeing his blood drip from his wrist. It's hard to stop when you have a negative memory telling you to keep going. Trust me, I know.

After a while Jungkook stopped and sat there staring at his arms. The youngers voice cracked as he spoke, "he just walked away...he just..." and then sobs were heard through the empty apartment.

You cant just admit to anyone your depressed, not even yourself. And that's what happened here, Jungkook didnt want to admit he was depressed. He told himself he was okay, and everything is fine.

After he cleaned up, he sat on his bed. his room was extremely dark and cold. He stared at the roses Taehyung gave him the other day. All hope seemed lost at this point. But Jungkook was still going try.

The next morning Jungkook woke up with a headache. He decided to ignore it and put on an oversized hoodie to hide the cuts along with tight jeans. Finishing up his morning routine he grabbed his bag and headed out the door.

He slowly made his way over to the University. A bit much for an introduction, but Jungkook went to a rich and well-known collage on a scholarship. He was scared at first but his friends helped him get use to it.

Getting closer and closer to the gates he grew more nervous. He doesnt want anyone, especially his friends to know about what he had done. Not even the one who hurt him.

There was an incident last semester with one of his closest friends Jimin, who grabbed the youngers wrist to bring him to a store before it closed. Jungkook gasped and yelled "ow" on accident. Jimin grew suspicious and inspected Jungkooks wrist and was shocked, interrogating the other. Jungkook so happens to be a great liar and said he got his arm stuck in a tree trying to reach the flowers and it cut his wrist, saying he would never actually cut himself. Relieved, Jimin believed it, but was still suspicious.

Now, Jungkook had reached the big school gates and let out a huge sigh. He didnt want to talk to anyone. What Taehyung did yesterday shattered him to peices and he didnt want to deal with that. How could he?

The small male walked through and kept his head low. He went up the steps and into the University.

Speaking of Jimin, he just had to see Jungkook walking across the hall. So like he always does, he approached the younger.

"Hey Kookie! Ready for another day of boring school?" The oldest chirped, wrapping his arm around Jungkooks shoulder. Giving that the other didnt respond Jimin became a bit worried, "Everything alright?" He asked. Still no response. So Jimin walked in front of Jungkook to stop him. "Kookie look at me! What's wrong? I'm your bestfriend, please tell me." Jimin pleaded.

Taekook Oneshots [Fluff/Angst]Where stories live. Discover now