Finding you💎

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It's a soulmates au

Author P.O.V

There is a thing called soulmates. When you first meet the one you are destined to be with they will obviously say something to you. So in that case, the first sentence your soulmate says is on on your forearm. This particular sentence is the one spoken when you first me. It appears on your arm when you're born along with the rest of your life. You just have to find them.

Some people sadly never meet their soulmate. Others meet their destined one but dont recognize at first from the sentence, by the time they realize it's too late. These messages on peoples arms hold different meanings and can tell a great story of ones true love. Some sentences can even be funny and hold a not so great meaning. With all of this being said it's now time to tell a story of a young male with the name Jeon Jungkook who has not yet met his soulmate.


Jungkook walked up to his school gates carrying a backpack and holding some books. He ran up the stairs and over to the left entrence where he met up with one of his friends.

"Jin hyung!" The small boy called out. "Oh Kookie, hey!" Jin waved. They always met here every morning. Since they were early they waited on someone else to arrive. When a long tuff of greyish blue hair caught Jungkooks eye he yelled excitedly.

"Lisa unnie!" He smiled as the girl made her way to the pair. "Hey guys, how are you?" She asked. "I'm good." Jin says to her. She nods with a smile, "That's nice."

"Ready to go inside?" Lisa questions before slowly walking over to the door. "Yea," Jungkook says before following behind her.

You see they wernt just some ordinary friend group. They were well known to the whole school. Lisa was the famous dancer who won countless competitions for the school in the women's individual solo bracket. Jungkook was also a dancer but mainly did outdoor track. He won competitions in both categories. And lastly Jin, he was a star chef for his age and had been on numerous cooking shows as well as he modeled in a few magazines. His company once heard of the triple threat Jin and his friends had become so they did a photoshoot will all 3 and posted it everywhere thus making them famous. 

Jungkook use to be very shy but all this attention has now kind of forced him to accept everything and be open. Fans would stop him in the hallway for an autograph or take a picture because of his cute face. Everyone admired the three, even the teachers. Out of all 3 one thing was different though about Jungkook. He hadnt found his soulmate yet.

Jin has his soulmate. It's to a guy named Namjoon and it's a funny story how they came to be. Lisa has her soulmate and it's a cute girl named Rose who she met at a dance competition. The girls meet afterschool and on the weekends since they go to separate schools but they make it work.

(Sorry if you dont like these ships? It's just for the sake of the os)

Jungkook thought his friends were cute with their lovers but there was a little bit if envy because he wanted one himself. He swears he has talked to way more than half the people in the school and none of them matched the sentence on his arm. What is this sentence exactly? It's a bit odd.

"You talking to- wait. Me? Ahh what am I saying?"

That was the very sentence written on his arm. He asked his friends and yet he could never really figure who it could possibly be. Sometimes he would say 'Hi' to strangers and they would just roll their eyes and walk away. He has spent many years of his life and no luck in finding his soulmate.

Taekook Oneshots [Fluff/Angst]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt