Kiss me, it's Christmas 🎄

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Author P.O.V

Christmas music played in the background as Jungkook hung up pretty ornaments that fit well with the theme of his tree. Yes, his tree. As a high school student his parents left him in charge of everything Christmas. So, this year he just did the usual routine.

Though, Jungkook isn't quit sure about the holiday this year.

Why? Because last year's was a disaster. His friends dumped him and the day before and after the 25th he had fresh cuts on his wrist. Getting coal was probably a better wish then what he received.

Jungkook shook his head to try and get the bad memories out even though this year it might be the same. His love life is confusing and he doubts his new friends care enough to make the day special. The student's parents promised it would be better considering they hate seeing their child cry on Christmas but Jungkook isn't exactly sure they can. He has seen the gifts to his siblings, no doubt they're going all out this year. But just making it magical is the hard part.

[Ring Ring]

Jungkook looked down at his phone on the table that lit up with an incoming call. "Taehyung...?" The younger questioned, hurrying to hang the ornament in his hand so he can answer.


"Hey baby! I was wondering if you'd like to come over on Christmas eve? Just for a little bit! I have a surprise for you~"

"I'll see if I can make it work." Jungkook then hung up with a fast racing heart.

Maybe he should have said bye? An 'I love you'? He's not really sure how to act. He's never been in a relationship. Then again they're not dating. Funny, right? They're just kind of...there.

Jungkook can't get it off his mind. Does Taehyung not love him enough to make it official? But his reasons seemed valid at the time so the younger won't push it he supposed.

Jungkook is not exactly lonely which he's thankful for. Taehyung makes him feel butterflies, like he's wanted. Even if it's just a little bit. And that is enough.

The student quickly finished his task, smiling at the overall appeal of the tree. It was classy and well decorated, everything matched and wasn't tacky. Jungkook then cleaned up and went to his room, laying down with a sigh. Without being aware he fell asleep just like that.

After a couple weeks it was Christmas eve. A day many became overjoyed to wake up to. But not as much as they will be waking up tomorrow, no. Taehyung was just now aloud to see friends given he was out with the flu and his whole family caught it.

So now, Jungkook got dressed and made sure everything was perfect before his parents allowed him to see Taehyung. The younger was very nervous. The last time he saw the older was a short hangout their parents attended and a lot has happened between then and now. Like...a lot.

Taehyung lives relatively close so it was a short drive there. With a present in one hand and growing nerves, Jungkook exited the car and thanked his parents for the ride.

Taehyung was already leaning against the door frame, a bright smile on his face. He was even bold enough to wave to Mr.Jeon who gladly waved back. If only the parents knew the conversations they had behind closed doors.

"Kookie!" Taehyung yelled happily, running and engulfing the younger in a warm hug. And in that very moment in suddenly snowed making the atmosphere more magical.

"Ahh it's getting cold, here let's go inside before we freeze." Taehyung grabbed the other's hand and guided him inside.  Jungkook giggled as they made their way through the house. Upon arriving Taehyung quickly opened and shut the door.

He took the present from Jungkook and set it down gently before focusing on the boy. He quickly pinned the younger to his wall and smirked.

"Baby boy I've been waiting so long for this." Taehyung gently tilted Jungkook's head up and smiled lovingly. The younger felt like he could just melt, this seemed too good to be true.

"Taehyung I-" Before Jungkook could finish he was kissed gently. It's not like this wasn't to be expected but the younger was caught off guard. Pulling away it felt like years, them admiring each other. But it ended all too soon.

The older dragged Jungkook to his bed, pushing him down on it. Now this surely was a surprise. Taehyung kissed his 'friend' a bit more roughly. Eventually separating from oxygen both became extremely flustered and had blush covered cheeks.

"I know you just got here but I couldn't wait any longer...I needed that." Taehyung explained with a chuckle. Now they both had their first kiss. Maybe it was a bit inexperienced but who cares.

Taehyung walked over to the corner where his phone was propped up, clickin the stop button. Jungkook stood up, "Wait you recorded the whole thing?! Clever..." Taehyung chuckled and nodded, walking back over to the younger. "Our first kiss together on Christmas eve, I think I want that memory saved little one."

The older sent the video to Jungkook quickly before guiding him over to the bed again. "Let's watch a movie and cuddle then you can go home with your family, sound fair? I just needed to see you again, at least once."

Jungkook nodded and smiled, getting cozy by snuggling up to Taehyung. Too bad they can't actually spend Christmas together, their parents each have plans and don't know their sort-of relationship. This is the closest they'll get and to be honest it's Jungkook's favorite part of the holiday so far. Who needs present when you have the hottest man to cuddle with you?

But as time ticked they had to eventually say goodbye. Taehyung smuggling in a quick goodbye kiss as he watched Jungkook leave his house and head home.

Now on December 25th it was like every year, every morning. Kids waking up early and huddling by the tree to see many presents wrapped prettily. Jungkook was woken by his impatient siblings and had to get downstairs before they whined more.

As everyone opened gifts there was one thing there nobody imagined.

"Jungkook darling, this ones for you. From Taehyung."

Jungkook's eyes lit up. "Really?" He quickly snatched the gift and opened it. There was a stuffed bunny inside but the letters read made the boy want to scream....and so he did internally.

"Be my boyfriend? Text me yes. I bet you wont. Merry Christmas Baby."

Jungkook waited so long for this moment and now it came true. He grabbed his phone and immediately typed the three letters that will change it all.

His nosy parents kept pestering him about what it was to make their son react in such a way. Jungkook chuckled nervously and played it off, "Oh he knows how much I love bunnies. I'm just surprised he got it here is all." They didnt question further thankfully.

As the day continued and everyone had their feast at the end of the day it's safe to say a new couple had blossomed. Especially after waiting so long it was a breath of fresh air. And who would have knew it all started in a present, confession wrapped under the tree? Or a dare I suppose.

Jungkook just wanted a kiss. It's Christmas after all, right? Anything is possible.


Sorry this is so short! It's just a small sweet fluff chapter to brighten your holidays.

Maybe I won't be lonely after all this time, some things in here related to me. Like in every os at this point 😂

But I love you guys! ❤
Merry Christmas 🎄🎁☃️

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