School Tip_pt.3🌴

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Jungkook P.O.V

After everything, we cleaned up and ate dinner in one of the restaurants provided by the resort. The teacher gave us until 11:00 before we had to go to bed. Tomorrow they scheduled us to visit the movie theater around 9:00am, not wanting us to be too tired.

I'm currently sitting on my bed, trying to fight boredom by scrolling through Instagram. The sope couple was cuddling on the bed beside mine, watching a thriller movie. I couldn't help but stared at them fondly, Yoongi goes out of his way to make Hoseok happy despite his high reputation. I admire the two. Pulling me out of my thoughts, a knock echoed through our room.

"I'll get it," I inform my hyungs before heading to the door. I was suprised with who stood there upon opening it. "Hey Kookie!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"H-hey," I stutter out. "I was wondering if I could sleep with you tonight? It's better to leave the two in my room alone." The red haired male chuckled. I laughed along before opening the door wider. "Sure, I dont mind."

Taehyung walked inside, I followed behind. In reality, I did mind. I'm so neverous around him and I don't know why, he stole my first kiss after all. "Oh, hey Tae!" Hoseok smiled at us, shortly bringing his attention off the screen. "Feel free to do whatever, I honestly dont care." Yoongi added. I sat on my bed where I was previously, Taehyung joined me. "Your head ok?" I just nodded, afraid I'll stutter again.

"Thanks again for helping," I finally spoke up after the silence started to kill me. "It's no problem!" Taehyung gave me his precious box smile. "So what do you wanna do?" He questioned, putting his hands up behind his head.

"Hmm...I dont know, it's almost 11:00 anyways." I yawn, using my hand to block the sound. "You've had a long day, wanna just go to sleep now?" Taehyung asks, resulting me to nod softly. He stood up from the bed, "I'm going to change and grab my phone from our room, be back quick." He exsplained before heading out the door again.

"Where's he going?" Yoongi asked, confused. "Just to change and stuff." I awnser.

"Hey uh...were going to go to bed, I'm pretty tired." I inform the pair. "Oh, we should probably do that to." Hoseok grabbed the remote and looked at Yoongi for confirmation. The grumpy male nodded tiredly before rolling over on his side of the bed. Hoseok shut the TV off and hopped in the covers beside his boyfriend. You know, we just call them 'boyfriends' but they never confirmed to be actually dating, I'm still so confused.

" two are dating right?" I ask curiously. They both fell at a loss of words. "Its complicated kid." Yoongi replies. "Just dont worry about it, I'll figure it out soon."

"Oh my gosh just pleaseee get together already!" I whine. Hoseok giggles at this. "Be patient and your wish will be granted." Yoongi quickly mumbles out before closing his eyes. This shocked me but mostly Hoseok. The oarnge haired male looked at me confused but ecstatic, I just shrugged with a knowing smirk on my lips.

Just then we heard the door open and Taehyung enter. "I'm back," The latter sing-songs which makes me smile. He walks over towards our bed but was stopped by a voice. "Hey, turn the lights off." Yoongi grumbled. Taehyung complied and turned the switch, shifting the lights off.

My eyes weren't adjusted yet so I couldn't see a thing. I felt a presence beside me then a dip in the bed as Taehyung snuggled into the duvet. "Goodnight." He whispered. "Night," I reply before closing my eyes.

I tried to sleep, I really did. My mind kept replaying todays events and I can't stop blushing from his presence beside me for some apparent reason. I can't seem to fall asleep so I turned to face him. I examined his face more closely. My eyes had gotten use to the dark but I still couldn't see much. Taehyung looks like a god, even when he sleeps. I'm probably so lucky to breath next to him and dont even realise it.

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