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"And then she lied to me about not texting any of her exes! And then, I-I couldn't take it anymore. So, I did what was most reasonable and I threw her phone off the balcony."

It's been two long, dreadful hours and all I hear is A.j ranting on about her stupid ex- girlfriend. I felt awful for her the first few days, but my god it was so exhausting to hear the same stupid stories over and over. So, I just pretend to listen, constantly nodding my head, but I was watching YouTube on my laptop. 3 more hours and my tired ass will be in London.

"Are you even listening?" She said taking off my Headphones. I rolled my eyes. It couldn't be anymore obvious that I didn't want to listen to her.

"No, I'm not. I'm busy." I put my hoodie over my head, continuing to watch my video.

"You're always busy." She sighed.

"No shit. I'm on tour right now, and I only got 6 hours of sleep last night." I spat.

"Oh you poor thing." She cooed.

"Yeah! Do you know how horrible that is? You wouldn't understand because you're actually nocturnal. All you do is stay up all night and watch those stupid k-pop crack compilations." I said.

She only laughed.

"Speaking of! You should definitely-"

"Nope! I'm not wasting my time with that bullshit!" I said.

"Whatever." She went back on her phone minding her own business.

Finally some peace and silence.

I looked down and my inbox, and saw that I had 27 unread emails. Are you kidding me? Who could be bothering me this time? Probably another stupid company wanting a sponsor. I kept staring at the '27' over and over.  It was beginning to trigger me. The more I looked at it the more it began to make me grow impulsive. I closed my browser and clicked on the mail icon.

I browsed my inbox. YouTube notifications, Amazon reminding me that my package with be arriving tomorrow, and— what is this?

BigHit Labels? What is that? I've never heard of them. I guess they're a big company if they're emailing me. I should ask A.j. Maybe she'll know.

"Hey, do you know what this BigHit Labels thingie is? I just received their email—"

I was cut off by a loud ear piercing scream.

"What? No stop playing! They emailed you? Oh my god, Y/N you've been blessed." She yanked my laptop out of my hands and clicked on the email.

I peeked over her shoulder. Still perplexed at what was happening, my heart began to race rapidly anxiously waiting to see what was the commotion was all about.

She cleared her throat and began to read aloud,
"Hi, Y/N L/N. My name is Bang Shi Hyuk from BigHit labels, founder of the korean boy group BTS. I've been looking into your work and found myself very interested in your music since a few months back. Your resent music video has really resonated with me. I thought it was something our audience would enjoy to experience. We would like to get in touch with you to discuss a collaboration date, and possibly and tour if you seem to be as interested as I hope you can be. If you are, we can set up phone call this week to discuss starting a collaboration that would bring value to both our audiences. You can contact us at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Sincerely, BigHit Labels."

Her voice quavered when she read the last words. She was shaking. I patted her back.

"Are you okay?" I asked worrying about her mental state.

𝗌𝗉𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖽𝖺𝗒. ⌇𝒚𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊.Where stories live. Discover now