아홉 ⁹

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"Hey Noona?" Jungkook asked. We were currently waiting outside Seokjin's dorm. I told them to wait until I said to head in.

I looked over my shoulder and hummed in response, "What Kook?" I said whispering sternly.

"I was listening to your album, you know, 'You Are Art' ?" He said, "Well I was listening to 'bye' and I was wondering why you said 'suck my dick'? If you're a girl—"

I sighed, "Nows not the time to talk about the lyrics in the song. And it's best you don't worry your pretty little head about it alright Kookie?" I said sarcastically.

"It's the nice way of saying 'go fuck yourself ' " Evie said rolling her eyes. That made Taehyung chuckle.

"Can you guys shut up? We're going to get caught." I said.

Jungkook tilted his head back in exhaustion, "Can we just go in already? I need to get Jimin." He said impatiently.

"Don't you dare Jeon Jungkook."  I scowled.

We've been waiting here long enough that I'm pretty sure my foot is falling asleep. And that is not a good feeling.

All of a sudden I felt Taehyung tap my shoulder, "Uhm, Evie is sort of falling asleep here." He said pointing down to the girl who was nearly asleep on his shoulder.

I rubbed my temples and sighed again. This is like watching over a bunch of preschoolers. I love them all but, gosh they're aggravating.

"She'll wake up sooner or latter. Trust me." I said out of exhaustion.

Things couldn't get anymore annoying could they?

And yet, I was wrong for the second time today.

"Oh hey guys, how long have you been waiting out here for?"

I completely forgot about Namjoon.

He must've not cared for the war zone we're currently in if he's in joggers and t-shirt. He obviously looked really good. And I was starring but that wasn't important.

And of course, just the sound of his voice made the some what sleepy girl immediately get up and smile at him.

The best part was, get this, Taehyung didn't like any of it. He was looking at them with this exceedingly angry stare.

"Taehyung-ah try not to make it obvious, please?" Jungkook whispered putting on a reassuring smile letting Taehyung know he's practically been in that situation.

"Jungkook let the kid be. I've been in this situation countless times enough." I said crossing my arms.

Evie practically jumped on Namjoon, "But I thought Y/N got you out? Please tell me she didn't hurt you." She said quickly taking both of his hands.

"Well no, but she did kick me in the ribs." He said scratching his neck nervously. I glared at him. "But it's nothing to worry about! I'm fine I promise." He said.

I gagged, and pretended to puke up a storm making Evie hit my shoulder. "I thought I shot you. Stay where I left you." I spat.

"Y/N, you seriously think I'll stay on the ground for 2 hours just so everyone knows I was eliminated?" He said raising an eyebrow. He still has Evie's hands in his.

"I think it would be best." I said purposely to be rude, "That was the point wasn't it? You're out. You're gone. You're not flirting with anyone. That's the point of the game. You don't get a second chance." I said.

Evie let go of his hands and walked over to me, "What if we do? I think he should take are side. We'll have more people."

I didn't hesitate before answering. "Absolutely not. I refuse to have him on our team just because." I said crossing me arms and looked away from their direction.

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