다섯 ⁵

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"Gay porn, $1,200 P.C, Yoongi biased, what's not to love about you?"

I glared at Jungkook and gave him a menacing stare as he finished up plugging in my desk top computer. It's been an hour since we started to fix up my room and shockingly, Jimin stopped by to help out. I really enjoyed his company, however that caused a certain pest to tag along with him. A.j thought it was a good idea to tell everyone about my anime obsession, and now they won't shut up about it. 

I threw a pillow in Hoseok's direction, "For the fucking last time, I do not read porn, if anything, you're the horniest one out of all of us. Fucking thrusting on stage. Give me a break." I spat

Jimin giggled and leaned over on the frame of my bed, "How'd you know he thrusts on stage, Y/N?"

Jungkook walked over with his hands in his pockets and shook his head, "You must be doing a lot of research on us." He said.

A.j bit her bottom lip and held back her laughter. I saw her rummaging through my suitcase. My eye suddenly caught her pulling out my lyric journal.

I tried to grab it from her grip, but she already began to read slowly, and detailing her words.

"Placin' me down like I'm shit, Hah, but you're brother was a good substitute for you."

I ripped the notebook right from her hands and shoved it in my drawer, "That was for a combat." I mumbled.

"I kinda liked it Noona. You come up with all this on your own?" Jungkook asked.

"Yup." I nodded.

"Woah, that's impressive. Not even Yoongi-hyung can do that. Maybe you should help him." Jimin insisted.

"I'm not sure if Yoongi would like me." I said crossing my arms and plopping down on my bed.

"Sure he will!" A.j said patting my shoulder. Hobi walked over and said the same.

"Why wouldn't he?" Jungkook smiled.

"Yeah, I agree. Besides Yoongi and you already have a lot in common." Jimin said.

"You really think so?" I said searching for hope in response.

"I know so." The younger said.

"Alright, well let's hang up my LED lights. I can't even reach the top of my bed frame without tippy-toeing."



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