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I didn't say anything. I just pretended to look perplexed and shook my head. Even though I knew the answer. The answer was vague. I knew I definitely liked Hoseok, but I didn't know about Yoongi. They're practically polar opposites.

I was currently playing my ukulele in my room while starring out the window. I was hoping that it stopped raining. I was looking forward to walking Min Holly with Yoongi, really, but the weather wasn't being the nicest. I didn't mind the rain at all. Any chance I can grab of staying inside I'll take. But I wanted to get to know Yoongi.

The vinyl player that sat at my desk had caught my attention. I had a box full of records but I haven't took them out in what feels like ages. I got most of the records from my dad, and some from my older brother. I always played The Beatles when it was raining. The best part was that when ever I inserted the vinyl onto my record player it sounded like an old radio. It made me feel really at home. If it weren't my older brother I wouldn't know how to play the piano or the guitar. And if it wasn't for my little brother I wouldn't have liked anime or have known how to play any video games.

I placed my ukulele on my lap and began to tune it again. Maybe I could play another song. A song that won't make rainy days seemed all depressing. I flipped through my lyric journal and found one of my old songs. I looked down at the date. 'December 4th, 2010.' Gosh. I was so young. Sixteen year old me was so weird and emo.

It was around noon already. I told the boys I was going out to dinner with Evie and Alex. I told them to feed Eddy his dinner while I was gone. I also made sure Namjoon was the one to make sure my spider doesn't get splattered.

"Hey Noona." Said a voice from behind. It was high pitched and soft so I assumed it was Jimin.

I looked up from my journal, "Hey Chim." I smiled.

Jimin let out a chortle, "If you're not busy, do you have advice?" He said hiding his hands behind his back.

"What kind of advice?"

Jimin hesitated, I saw his face get all red. I found this quite adorable actually. "I need help talking to someone. But they get all shy when I talk to them and I feel like I said something wrong."

I raised my eyebrow, "You're kidding right?" I said dropping the lyric journal from my hands.

Jimin shook his head. He seemed so flustered and embarrassed.

I let out a sigh, and patted the empty space on my bed.

"Can I guess who this person is?" I said poking Jimin's shoulder.

He nodded shyly.

"I could be wrong, but I think it's Jungkook." I said sarcastically.

Jimin basically threw himself on my bed and screamed into my pillow. I patted his back.

"Look, I'm going to help you. But you have to promote that you'll agree to everything I say." I said. God, what I just said sounded like the beginning to some weird porn.

"Alright." He said lazily getting up. His messy hair tangled in all sorts of ways. I combed a hand through his messy locks. Jimin

"Jimin, what are you?" I said bluntly. Maybe I should've rephrased that.

"Well, If where being honest, I might be bisexual. But I'm more attracted to guys." He said putting a finger on his bottom lip.

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