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It's been an hour since we've left, and so far I'll admit I haven't have even the slightest regret of leaving the others behind. Well, almost not regretting anything. I still have Jimin and Kook-ah alone. And alone means, well, I don't need to get into details. On a positive note, I got to know Yoongi a lot.  He's not so rude, arrogant, annoying, the list could go on and on, but the point is he's actually understanding and very protective.

I noticed every time I would neglect myself or point out one of my flaws, he would get upset and go on a vent about it. Which was actually very hypocritical because every single time I would compliment him he would deny what I said.

I guess I've never really told myself anything positive. When Yoongi told me that I would eventually learn to love myself, I didn't fully believe his words. He did promise. The person I talk to the most is me. I can't even get along with myself sometimes. I don't like to talk about my problems with others, with family, even. They'll just give me the 'stop feeling sorry for yourself' or the, 'then schedule yourself for therapy.' If I felt sorry for myself I would by upset over how others see me in a negative light. If I felt sorry for myself I wouldn't be writing lyrics about being broken but still smiling through the dull colors. I'm not happy with the person I am.

No one can change that but me.

His eyes never left mine. Every sentence that was being exchanged between us was always delivered with a smile. His smiles were rare. I guess I was lucky to be seeing it in person. The main point of leaving the others was to walk Holly.

Instead it turned into Yoongi flirting with me, making me annoyed and hitting or kicking him. Me, being the dumbass I am, would apologize. Yeah I know, that's not like me at all.

He continued to giggle on and off after I continuously told him to stop calling me small. It's sad that there's actually someone on this earth smaller than Jimin. And that is me.

"Yoongi-ah it's not funny. I've told you already, I'm not short. Besides how would you like it if I said you're cheeks are chubby?" I said rolling my eyes.

He looked up at be and gasped exaggeratedly, "You think my cheeks are, fat? I thought we were actually bonding. And to think I was actually going to buy you something. I guess I'll take us home then." He said sighing.

Buy me something? Something could mean food. Something could mean anything. Something could mean a really good manga.

I pouted, "No, no, I didn't mean it like that, hyung. If anything it's a compliment it's a good feature on you, really I mean it. It's quite adorable actually." I said poking his cheek. What's that thing that fangirls say? Going soft?

"Well, now you know what I mean when I call you small! It's a compliment, and I for one find it quite adorable as well!" He scoffed. I removed my hand from his face and stuck out my tongue. I take back everything about being 'soft.' I'm just pissed now.

"You're saying that to get away with complimenting again." I huffed. Tugging on the leash that Holly was attached to, I slowly crouched down and held him in my arms once more. They only thing that can calm my down is him. He placed his small paw on my arm and curled up towards my chest. The sight made a warm smile appear on my face.

I could sense Yoongi smiling down at me. "It's sad isn't it? My own son left me for you." He said sighing. He gently scared the top of the dog's head. His smile then faded, "Strange to ask, but when are you telling Hoseok?"

I assumed he was talking about confessing. I already new the answer. I met his gaze, "When we finish writing this song. Which will be in about 2 weeks or so, then that eventually means you guys are going to head over to my place for work, and after that we film the actual music video, and bam, I ask you guys to hang out at my place, and I break the news." I shrugged as if it was the easiest thing to do.

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