Chapter Twenty Four, Promises

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Emiya groaned and rubbed his eyes and they fluttered open to only be blinded by the sun. He shielded his face and looked around. He somehow fell into the skyscraper and was laying onto a long wooden table that hung on the frames of the windows. Next to him was Shuten, who was unconscious.

Emiya sat up and rubbed his arms. They were back to normal, but splotches of metal and blood covered some parts.

He looked over at Shuten and gently shook her shoulder. "Shuten, wake up," he said.

Shuten groaned and opened her eyes. "What happened?" she muttered as she sat up and rubbed her temples.

"I don't know," Emiya answered. He looked outside and saw the bustling streets with cars and people filling the void of emptiness that once was there. "Did we escape the Reality Marble?"

"Hmmm?" She looked up to where Emiya was looking and saw what he meant. "It looks like we did. Where are the others?"

"The might be inside too. We should see if they are." Emiya cautiously stood up on the table and made his way off of it. He jumped down onto the window frame and turned around to help Shuten off too.

Shuten took his hand and followed him up the floor. Emiya stabbed the floor with his daggers and pulled himself up with Shuten hugging his back. "Where do you think that the rest of us are?" Shuten asked as she hung tightly around his arms.

"Hmmm. I don't know yet, so let's find out," Emiya replied. He launched himself up and landed on the "floor," which was actually the walls tilted sideways. Lined on the "floor" were doors with numbers labeled to the sides of them.

Shuten got off of his back and sniffed the air. "Oh? I smell a humanly odor," Shuten reported. She got low to the "floor" and sniffed the door below them. "I smell... sweat and urine."

Emiya looked at her with a grossed out expression and shook his head. "Let's check it out." He placed his hand on the doorknob and tried to pull it open. It didn't work. "I think it's locked."

Shuten lightly shoved him out of the way and pushed the door inward. "No, I think your brain is just two sizes too small, sweetie," she said with a smirk. She looked back down at the doorway. "Is anyone in there?" she asked.

The room was completely dark with only the dangerously cracked windows at the very bottom of it exposing light, but only weakly illuminated the room. The ceiling's light was shattered and the beds to the right fell through one of the cracked windows and hung onto the frame of the window loosely. To the left of the room was a wooden drawer stuck to the wall with a flat-screened television screwed above it, though the screen was cracked.The floor was damp with water and blood could be seen trailing across the walls, floor, and intact windows.

Where the loosely hung bed was, movement could be seen on top of it. "... Here..." a faint voice whispered from afar.

Emiya nodded. "We're here to help you. Just hang on there for a moment. He climbed down through the door frame while digging his blade into the floor as to not fall down. "Shuten, you coming?"

Shuten looked down at the bed and back at Emiya. "I'll wait here until you need me," she answered.

"Understood." Emiya climbed down lower towards the glass. He stepped onto the drawer and crouched down. The structure was sturdy and intact. "Just in case," he muttered as he placed his hand on the drawer. "Trace on." The drawer glowed green and hardened.

Emiya then looked at his hands and summoned a decently large cylinder pipe into his hands. He placed it against the wall behind him and pressed a button that was to the side of the pipe. The pipe suddenly extended and shot out towards the bed. It landed on the window frame and made a "clunk" sound as it landed. He summoned a second one and placed it on the other side of himself. It also extended and landed on the frame.

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