just some self reminders-

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- Stop being scared of crossing streets
- Try walking around downtown, alone
- Buy myself a coffee while doing that (just because)
- Morning walks?
- Catch up on school (did I spell that wrong lmao-) stuff
- Play more piano
- Draw more
- Write more
- Hiking and stuff like that
- Keep up with chores
- Create schedule
- Watch Stephen Colbert and Ben Shapiro when I have free time
- Cartoons
- Try new art styles and stuff
- Walk baby (try at nighttime)
- Find my house keys lmao
- Get more used to cooking for myself
- Just get my life together in general, I have so much to see and learn

Oh yeah and my parents are finally getting divorced- so uh that's epic- that's mostly why I made this list in the first place tbh

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