small vent idk

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I'm just kinda upset rn so I'm just gonna say this. My mom was talking to my dad about the dogs' food and what we should feed them andddd I decided to give my own opinion on it, but not like to be a jerk I was just kinda suggesting what to feed them. But then my mom just tells me, I'm not joking, "shut up, go die". And now she's going to take my phone away and my laptop away for today because she took my opinion as a personal attack. Really fuckin dumb.

But yeah, that's all I had to say. I was planning on writing today buttt if my phone's getting taken away, I guess it's not gonna be today. But then again she said that she's going to start taking them everyday, just because I gave a fucking opinion. Ugh... I can't wait until covid is over. Then I can get away from the house and away from my mom. And I can drink coffee at cafes, where it's nice, where I love to be, and feel good, then go back home ready to take all of this yelling...

Thanks for reading this, I guess. I'll be okay. I just need to write... maybe I can quickly write before she takes my stuff? Idk, I hope so. I can't wait for the weekend also, because then my dad will stay home and my mom will just avoid me. But because he works today, god, today's gonna suck. But I'll be fine. I just need to write. Probably some lesbian shit. And listen to Clairo songs. And then I'll be okay.

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