the truth came out

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to catch you up on between parts of my blackouts and all the detail I didn't know at the time. I'll fill in the gaps for who reads this, so time travel is way different than anyone may think. first, the present-day me was in 2012 which if you didn't figure out I was born from 1999 and disappeared in 2019. so my present-day me was around when past me was as well. nothing happened, the reason behind my parents and family disappearing was because of present me. the government connected the dots and went for my family and took them for testing but upon finding no link to my powers they were killed in cold blood. no, the government had no leads on me but a few days ago from me waking in the car speeding down the highway with helicopters and military alongside cops speed after us.

but before that part about the year 2019, they went for my family and angel took me away after I got out of the hospital and Chloe appeared in my life. they then got a tip from an unknown source and started to a manhunt for angel which they found her reappearing in a mall getting men's clothing and a lot of food and water. the government acted fast and cornered angel, that was taking care of my body. this happened at the end of 2019 a few days away from 2020. well, angel then sided to take the fight to them and attack the place I was being held in and broke me out. once breaking me out my daughter reached out to angel and I woke up to a few days after they met, which you should know what happened after I woke up.

the rest of the drive they took turns driving day and through the night as I stared out the window and watched the sands turn into trees and farmland, but soon changed to abandoned homes and streets as we got closer to where I once lived. I stopped looking out the window when we stopped the drive and pulled behind a building. I looked to see they were getting out and stretch and looking around. Loulou came to my door and opened it as she said "come on dad we have to walk the rest of the way, they quarantine your home and 40 miles from it. I nod and stepped out of the car and stretched and let out a yawn. I was kind of tired and felt weak, but I didn't want to become a problem for them so I followed them and helped them with carrying some of the food that filled a backpack. we walked the streets without any care as they talked with each other. I let my mind wander as I aimless followed them, I tripped over a hole in the concrete and face planted. I groaned and around onto my back and rubbed my nose. Loulou ran to me and helped me as angel laughed and said "don't worry I have seen him take more than that.... wait is that blood." her eyes grew wide as she saw blood come out of my nose. she ran over to look after herself, my nose was not stopping bleeding which was extremely concerning for all of us. it way not seem like a huge deal to a normal person but my regenerative powers were not working and this was a huge problem because I was the most wanted man by the government and they didn't care if I was dead or alive. Loulou pulled out cotton balls and about stuffed it in my nose but I grabbed her hand before she could and said "you put that in my nose you will have to kill me." they both got puzzled looks and said, "are you allergic to cotton?" I shook my head and said "no but I hate pure cotton, it makes my skin crawl and I get this horrible feeling. "

Loulou rolled her eyes and said "ok well we have to stop the blood and see if it's broken. she then pressed on my nose and it hurt but was not broken. she sighed in relief and said, "it's not broken and you should be fine." I wiped away the blood had already stopped. I waited to see if it kept bleeding but when I pushed on my nose it was heal and didn't hurt. I was puzzled and didn't understand what was going on. it turns out being in the coma for 7 years can mess with your powers special if they coma is a cause of extreme tranquilizing agent that could kill someone easily.  I watched as their faces became puzzled and angel said "they fucked you good and made your powers become slow acting. so try not to jump off a cliff or get shot." soon as she said that it was like death herself had a curl joke in mind.  Carolyn, miya, and Nola came out of nowhere and aimed their guns at us. I stood there and looked at angel and Loulou and said "what do you think is going to happen if you open fire on us. Carolyn frown and said "we were given orders to clean up any mess they may come through here, and to keep a special eye open for all three of you.  if we take you in that's a huge bonus with a new high paying job." I grind my teeth together as I listened to her talk about taking us in like we was an animal but Nola then said "I didn't like working for them anyways though." they lowered their guns and walked to us as they got a few feet away Carolyn said "so we are sorry for backstabbing you. we thought it was the right thing to do. but when they took your family in and... yeah we decided to pick the team that doesn't kill innocent people because they are not helpful to us." miya and Nola nod as they agreed with her. Nola looked at angel and said "I can't believe you left though, they been down in killing creatures greatly after you left." angel smiled and said "I just had other things to take care of." my mind snapped back and I grabbed Carolyn by the top of her shirt and yelled "where is my family." fear filled her eyes and I threw her to the ground and said, "what the hell did they do to my family!" Nola and miya looked at the ground as Carolyn looked up at me with tears in her eyes and said: "they... they are no longer with us." I froze like a statue and looked at them and got light head and lost my footing almost face planting but angel quickly caught me as Loulou teared up as she found out a family she never met was now dead and she will never know any other family than her mom and dad which they didn't know each other at all. at that moment both my and Loulou's worlds came crashing down, but I gained my footing and said "now is not the time to petty the ones we lost, we need to make it to my old home and make a plan after that on what to do next. "  I walked passed everyone and hugged Loulou and said "don't worry, we will avenge our family."  she nods as I wiped the tears that escaped her eyes bit it was odd how she cried over ones she never knew. I thought she could have been hungry for the attention and love of blood ones, and I was not far off.

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