Chapter Fourteen

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"We're back kids."
Dani's eyes widen, and she looks frightened for a second. I can hear my parents putting the key in the door and turning it.
"Your parents?" Dani asks quietly. I nod my head. I quickly grab her hand and lead her into the bathroom leading off the kitchen.
"You might want to try and fix your hair," I say, Dani frowns and reaches up to touch her hair. "As much as I really love the look babe, I think my parents would be thinking other things," I say kissing the nip of her nose. "But let's just put this on hold ok, we're not finished," I say smiling as I see her blushing.
"Felix? Cullen? Angelo?" I hear my dad call from the hallway. I watch as Dani closes the door behind her, before making my way back to the kitchen. I think I had myself under control mostly. I go back into the kitchen and stand behind the island, having the rest of my drink in one gulp.
"OH MY SON!" I turn around to find my mother standing in the archway, her bag by her feet, her mouth wide open in shock. My dad walks in staring at my mother, than he looks over at me, smiling.
"HAYDEN!" screams Felix running into the room and crushing me in a bear hug. I lean down and hug him tightly, ruffling his dark hair.
"Hey buddy, how you've been?" I ask him as he continues to cling onto me.
"Good, but I've missed you so much," he says looking up at me, his grey eyes sparkly.
"Well this is a surprise, isn't it?" dad says laughing as he hugs me.
"My sons home," my cries as she rushes into my open arms. I laugh as I hug her tightly.
"It's only for a few days mum but yeah I'm home.. oh and I brought a friend," I say as I spy Dani peeking around the wall smiling at me.
"Who Hayden?" Felix asks, he's now taken hostage of my left leg so I couldn't exactly move. I nod my head at Dani.
"Hi guys," she says shyly from the archway. My family turn and looks shocked for a few seconds before my mum goes over and hugs her tightly.
"Oh Dani love, we've missed you around here," she says starting to get a little emotional.
"Did I hear Hayden and Dani?" asks a soft voice from out in the hallway. I smile as I see her familiar red curls, her eyes shine and she runs to me, throwing her arms around me.
"Hayden!" she cries hugging me tightly, I hug her back.
"This is what you've been hiding from me all day Hunter," Destiny says once letting go of me and turning to face her boyfriend. Hunter shrugs innocently, a smile on his face. Destiny runs over and kisses his cheek, and he throws his arm around her bringing her in for a hug.
"Eww ew ew," Hazel says walking into the room, Cassandra and Richard behind her. Hazel had sure grown up the past few months, she had grown taller and more cuter if possible.
"It's not eww Haz, it's aww," Felix says putting his own arm around her and smiling down at her. In return Hazel smiles up at him, oh did I sense something going on here. Even though there was a few years between them but.
"Well let's get you's settled in then," my mum says smiling at all of us. I walk over to Dani and give her a quick kiss on her soft lips, then I let her go with my mother and sister. Hunter's family and Felix went into the lounge room, leaving me with my dad and Hunter.
"So you two worked things out I see," dad says getting a snack out of the fridge.
"Yeah I made a mistake and it won't happen again." At least not if I win this upcoming match.
"Good for you son, you two are good for each other," he says eating his chocolate bar.
"Dad, you know how I was telling you about this upcoming match in a few weeks," I say taking a seat at the table.
"Yeah.." dad says glancing at me as Hunter takes a seat beside me.
"Well we need your help with something." Dad raises his eyebrow.
"We?" I nod my head and point at Hunter and I. "Go on then."
"Can an underage player play in the match?" I ask him. My dad had been the champion in his day, so he should know the answers I needed.
"No, well at least not really. Unless the person has signed papers from a coach or trainer that's seen them play and their parents permission," dad says thoughtfully. "Why you ask, is there a problem with your team?"
"Kinda yeah. Walker one of our main guys was pushed down the stairs and has a broken leg leaving us down a player and I was thinking Hunter could feel the spot." I see in the corner of my eye, Hunter playing with his thumbs. I wait for my dad to say something, anything.
"Well good thing I'm coach/trainer then. Plus I'm sure your mum will sign the permission form but it's up to you mate," he says finally smiling at the both of us.
"I'm in," Hunter says strongly.
"What am I signing now honey?" Cassandra asks teasingly as she walks into the room.
"Just some paper work stuff mum," Hunter says smiling at her. I was a little shock to hear that Hunter now called her mum again and not Cassandra.
"Well ok then, just give them to me when they need signing. Everyone's outside, so I think you should come and join don't you boys reckon?" she asks as she takes her sons hand and pulls him after her. I laugh as dad and I follow them outside. I was talking to Cullen and Angelo when Felix came and started tugging on my shorts.
"What's up buddy?" I ask him quietly.
"We can please some football, pretty please," he begs me. "I got an award at footy training last week saying that I'm a natural and I'm an excellent kicker," he says smiling in pride.
"Oh good job buddy, you'll have to show me later. Well done, I'm so proud of you," I say giving him a hi-5.
"Thanks bro," he says blushing lightly at the compliment.
"And sure I'll play if you can get the others playing too," I say glancing at my cousins. They both nodded their heads.
"We're game," Cullen says for him and his older brother.
"Did I hear football?" calls out Destiny from her spot on the grass laying with Hunter. We all nod our head, laughing as she shoots up and drags Hunter up with her.
"We're in also," she calls smiling as she kisses Hunter. "In a sec."
"Babe you wanna play?" I ask Dani who had somehow sneaked up on me and had wrapped her arms around me, her head pressed into my back gently.
"I can't play, I suck," she says slightly embarrassed, I turn her around and take her hands in mine. So that she had nowhere to hide her blushing cheeks.
"I can help you," I say softly, grinning down at her.
"Oh can you now handsome," she says grinning. I like the way she calls me handsome, I don't know why but I do.
"Yes I can sexy," I say back, my smile grows wider as she blushes again. Dani tries to move her hands, get them out of my grip but I hold them tightly but not to tightly that I'll hurt her. I lean down and place gently kisses on both of her cheeks, I hear her make some sound at the back of her throat.
"What was that baby?" I ask letting go of her hands and instead wrapping my arms around her. I lean down and gently kiss her neck softly, lightly that I just graze her skin. I hear my girl moan softly, so I nibble her neck this time. For that I'm rewarded with another slightly louder moan.
"Do you like it when I kiss you there?" I ask her softly, she nods her head. Dani then tilts her back back and smiles shyly at me.
"I like it too," I say kissing her forehead, she smiles up at me.
"Hey love birds. Either get a room or come and join us," yells Cullen chuckling until Angelo hits him over the head with the ball.
"Hey what was that for?" he complains rubbing his now sore head.
"Being a jerk," my sister says for me. Destiny winks at me before taking the ball out of Cullen's hand and kicking the ball at Felix who runs after it. My family moves into their positions, it was Felix who now had the ball and was kicking it to Hunter. I watch in amazement as he catches the ball in one hand and then passes it back to Destiny who scores a point. Right through the middle of the two trees.
"Yeah teamwork," cries Felix jumping up and down excitedly. I watch as Hunter catches the ball again and scores the next two goals, wow he was good.
"Uh babe?" calls Dani as I glance up. Just in time to see the ball coming right towards my face, and my dad running for it. It happens in slow-mo as I run and jump in the air reaching out for the ball, my dad does the same. Come on ball, come to me.
"Yes!" I sigh in relief as the ball comes straight for my arms and I catch it easily, my dad knocks into me and we tumble onto the grass. Dad's shoulder accidentally hits my head as we land, I let go of the ball.
"No!" I cry out as I try and grab it again but it's rolling away. Dad lands on top of me, well I'm stuck. I look around for the closest person on our team. That person was my girl.
"Firefly!" I cry out, Dani looks up and sees the ball and then looks over at me. I could see she was worried about me but I shake my head and point at the ball.
"You can do it," I yell encouragingly at her. Dani goes into action, chasing after the ball. I smile as I see her reach out and grab it, now she was running towards the goal posts, trees. Angelo was hot on her heels thought, I had to help her and fast.
"Dad get off me," I say loudly, pushing him off of me quite easily actually.
"Don't think of chasing her, I'll sit on you," dad says threatening, but he laughs. I shake my head smiling as I turn and chase after my girl. I wasn't far behind them, if I could distract Angelo then that would leave Dani with a good chance of kicking the ball straight and right through the middle winning us the game. I see that Dani has stopped in front of me, the ball in her hands still. I run up to her.
"Kick the goal baby," I say as I look around us. We probably only had a few minutes until the rest of both teams would be hitting us.
"I can't kick straight Hayden.." Dani says quietly glancing at me, her eyes wide, she looked a little scared. I glance behind us to see that we didn't have much time left. I rush the last few steps until I was in front of her. I turn her around firstly so that she was facing the two trees. Then I quickly instruct her to hold the ball in her hands out in front of her. She does.
"Now keep your eyes on the ball and when it falls down past your knees.. kick it with everything you have alright babe but also keep your eyes between the two trees. I know you can do it baby." I stand back as I watch my girlfriend brave up and nod her head. She turns so that she's facing the trees, with a deep breath, she let's go of the ball. In slow motion, the ball falls down and I have a thought that she missed it but I smile as her foot connects right with the ball. Sending it flying right through the air, sailing faster and faster, spinning and gaining more speed as it continues through the air.
"Noo," I hear Angelo shout but I don't turn to see him. I keep my eyes on the ball. I watch as the ball starts to fall, oh no was it going to make it. I shouldn't have worried, the red balls flies right through the middle of the two trees, winning us the game.
"Yahooo," cries Felix jumping up and done.
"Well done," my mum calls out to everyone on the sidelines. I walk over to Dani, throwing my arms around her neck.
"I told you, you can do it," I say smiling after I had kissed her. Dani smiles up at me.
"Thanks Hayden," she says quietly hugging me. I grin as I see her trying to cover a yearn.
"Tired are we?" I tease her smiling.
"Perhaps," is her silent reply, I notice how her bodies leaning into mine.
"Hayden, I'm very tired," I hear her mumble softly, she looks up at me. I smile softly as I see her eyes close then open and close again, see her yearning. I lean down and pick her up, bridal style.
"What.. what are you doing?" she asks tiredly, even her voice was softer and quieter.
"Letting my firefly sleep," I say quietly, she smiles in return. I watch her turn and bury her face in my chest, her hands coming to tuck on either side of her head. God she was so breath-taking gorgeous, and more so when she was cute and tired.
"I love you Hayden," I hear her say softly as I begin carrying her back up to the house.
"I love you too firefly, I always will," I say softly smiling down at her. I listen for any signs that she heard but all I hear is her soft breathing, and I swear her lips just turned up in a smile. I gentle place a soft kiss on her nose, she doesn't wake but she does snuggle more into me.
* * *
Hey peps, well here's the next chapter :) Hope you guys are really enjoying the story, I'm sorry if this chapters a little short, boring or both, I apologize. But hey the next chapter will be way more interesting and maybe romantic (hint, hint) hehe :P maybe you guys can guess what the next chapter is about, just another tiny hint.. It's the 14th of something ;) well don't forget to leave a comment, follow or vote and I'll be back with more soon, catch you peps all later =)
~ I'm amazed when I look at you, not just because of your looks but because of the fact that everything I've ever wanted is right in front of me. It's you my little firefly. {Hayden} ~
Amy xxx

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