Chapter 54

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It was Wednesday, 4 April, and Joshaya were at the hospital getting yet another appointment done for the baby.
Everything did look pretty fine to them but they were always scared of possible things which could go wrong.
When they got home Maya put her handbag down before sitting down herself as Josh made himself comfortable next to her.

"What now?" Josh asked.
"Now, I have to film the pregnancy Q & A. Wanna join?" Maya asked.
"Yeah, can just as well. Depending on how long it takes," Josh said.
"Probably two hours," Maya said.
"Okay, let's do it."

Maya sat up to me and camera as both she and Josh got comfortable next to each other ready to answer some of the questions that they have been asked during the pregnancy.

"Hey, guys. Welcome back and today I have a special guest. Josh is here to join me today for the Q & A which you guys have been asking forever for. So let's get started," Maya said as Josh took the phone which had the questions.
"So first question is how far are you," Josh said.
"I am sixteen weeks. Exactly," Maya said and she took the phone.
"Due date? That will be September, 19th," Maya said as she put the phone up on the table.
"Gonna be easier to answer them like this. Okay, gender? And no. We don't know it yet," Maya said as she looked at Josh.
"We can only find out at twenty weeks you said," Josh said and Maya nod.
"Yeah," Maya said.
"Okay. Hospital or home birth?"
"Hospital definitely. Just because it's easier and we are both still kids so we don't know anything about that. And to answer the other as well. I am not planning on getting the epidural. I wanna do a one hundred percent natural birth if I can," Maya said.
"Next one is were you very sick during the first trimester and what is the first trimester like?" Josh asked.
"Yes. I was horribly sick and could barely keep anything in. Remember, I was like vomiting every five minutes," Maya said.
"Yeah, I do," Josh said.
"For how it was... It was very bad due to the morning sickness which was horrid. Next question is how is Josh taking your pregnancy? And that is actually difficult. You acted shocked but you were also supportive," Maya said.
"I think it came as a shock but after awhile I got used to the idea," Josh said.
"The next one was asked constantly and it... It definitely was the most requested one as well and that is would you prefer a boy or a girl," Maya said.
"I'm fine with either one," Josh said.
"Yeah, we're not going for oh it has to be a boy or it has to be a girl. Either way is fine. But I actually do think to start with are girls easier. Or that's what Topanga said. Your mother on the other hand said boys are easier," Maya said.
"Yeah but she only knows boys. She has three of them," Josh said.
"Also right," Maya said.
"Okay, so next one is will you guys be having a gender reveal?"
"Um... Yeah, I think so. It's going to be very later when I'm at least twenty weeks but we are having one," Maya said.
"Right. Are you going to be finishing school?"
"No. I do have like my own job and so I won't be heading back to school anytime soon due to me starting my life earlier than most people," Maya said.
"Yeah. And I also think you would want to be with the baby ate first very much since when he or she is born the new school year starts and you would have been in your..."
"Senior year. Crazy. Okay, next one is how is Riley taking the pregnancy as well as your friends and family. Riley doesn't even know we're dating so I'm gonna keep everything a secret till I know I have what it takes to cope. My parents reacted not good at all they were shocked and immediately furious. For otherwise... Josh's parents are handing it very well. Your mother is very good at this. She keeps on sending me texts so she is taking it good," Maya said.
"She actually is. Okay, next one is have you had any pregnancy problems yet?"
"No. Non at all. Okay, next. What have been your symptoms and how far have you grown? Okay so nausea in the beginning really, really bad. Dizziness and tiredness," Maya said as she took a breathe.
"Okay. Next one is do you guys have any baby names and are uoh having a baby shower?"
"I have about two boy names which I really like and then of course we both decided on a cute girl name. You?"
"Yeah, I have a few as well but I don't think we are officially going to name them that until we are like dead sure," Josh said.
"What have also been asked a few times is how will it change our future and I think it's going to change everything," Maya said.
"Definitely agree," Josh said.

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