5-9 years old

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I was five years old I remember going to live with my aunt May and uncle Ben because my parents passed away. They loved me so much and I was happy to hug someone when the bad dreams came. Aunt May put me into school and I met a boy named Flash. He smiles at me when I walk into the classroom everyday. I think we are becoming friends but I don't really know. May and Ben picked me up everyday and they always asked how was your day Peter. I told them it was good and I had fun. Over the next few months me and Flash became friends, I always told May and Ben how my day went. My birthday is in a few days I'm going to be six years old.

On the day of my birthday I woke up to May and Ben singing happy birthday and holding a plate of pancakes with a number six candle. I ate my pancakes and got ready for school. Little did I know that this was my last morning with them. After they dropped me off at school I told them I loved them and hugged them before running over to Flash. Half way through the day a police men and the school principal walked into my classroom and they tell the teacher something. She looked at me and she was crying. "Peter come here". she said to me. I walked over to them and the police men got on one knee and I knew what he was about to tell me. The same thing happened when my parents passed away. "They are dead". I told the police man and he nodded his head. I started to cry and I ran out of the classroom. Over the next few days I didn't go to school and was told that I had to to foster care. That night before they took me to foster care I ran out of the apartment. I might be six but I'm really smart and knew what would happen so I ran. They looked for me over the next few months but they never found me. I still went to school and I learned. I slept in the alleyways so nobody could found me. Over the next year I started to steal things and stayed hidden for the police. 

When I turned seven was the first time I killed someone. It was a man who was drunk and he tried to rape me so I stabbed him with a pocket knife that I stole. He made it to the hospital but died there later. I was seven and a half when I got bit. I was bit by a glowing spider and after it bit me the spider died. Over the next few days I was so sick that I thought I was going to die. The first thing I noticed was the superhuman strength. Over the weeks I learned all of my powers and got good at them. When the police started searching for me again I used my powers and climb up a building and got the roof.

At eight years old I was really good at my powers and school was going good.  People really didn't mess with me very much. Over the year Flash started to bully this kid named Ned. One day when we were going to lunch Flash pushed Ned and then started to hit him. I walked over to them and grab Flash's arm and used my strength to stop the punches. Flash looked over at me and asked why I was stopping him so I told him that I didn't like it and then Flash punched me. After Flash stopped I pull Ned up off the floor and we became friends that day. I didn't tell Ned that I was living on the streets because the police were still looking for me.

When I turned nine years old I noticed something was off. It felt like someone was watching me all the time and my spider sense was going off all the time. I should have been excepting the men dressed in black with a red star on their arm. They took me one night and drugged me. When I woke up a man in a white coat was looking at me and he smiled. He told me who he was and also said this was hydra. I knew about hydra from history class. Hydra had me for three months and they were pounding Russian into my head. One day when I was nine and a half there was a bright light and loud nosie and the next thing I know I'm on a plane with ten men and five women. They looked over me and asked what happened. I told them hydra took me one night three months ago and they were making me learn Russian. I asked who were they and they told me S.H.I.E.L.D.

After a few weeks I was back at school and back to living on the streets. Two months later when the bell went off for the end of the day I walked out and saw a man dressed in black with a red star. He looked at me then yelled Peter I'm taking you home. Because I was at school and was being looked at by my classmates I walked over to him and he started walking me away from the school. When we were nobody could see us he pulled out a needle and then drugged me. I woke up again and saw the same man for the first time I was here at hydra but I saw someone new. The creepy man looked at me then him and back to me and then said "Meet the Winter Soldier your new partner".

I know this story was not a update of any of my other stories but I have writes block on them and I wanted something to write

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