Chapter 1

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       Welcome to Surviving the Storm! This is an unedited book consisting of 50 chapters. It's not a classic cliche book. The story is a rollercoaster of emotion, and experiences.

       This story uses flashbacks in italics. Also the story is not mature! So anyone can read this. This book was my original idea.
Everything from the plot to the characters, and even the cover design has been my idea/creation. All rights reserved©️

I hope you all enjoy this book! Love you all!

It all started on May 16th at approximately 6:30 am. That was the first time he brought Faye into the daycare. Now he's been here everyday since because of her. He walked in with his neatly tailored black suit with a silver tie. His hand on the back of his niece. She wore a summer dress with pink flower embroidered on the top. "Hello Reyna!" Faye greets me her bag in her arms. "Go put it in your cubby dear." I reply shuffling the papers. The reports I'd have to fill out already sitting in front of me. I glance up noticing how he stood. His eyes focused on Faye running to her cubby.

"And when should we expect you to pick her up?" I ask. His head snaps to mine. His dark hazel eyes focusing on my figure. He examined my long dress and dark cardigan. "I should be here around three." He replies. I don't bother to begin a conversation. We both knew it was too early to communicate.

"Bye Faye." He says turning to leave. Faye runs out to wave goodbye before he steps through the door. But he had already left the classroom. "Bye Uncle Noah!" Faye nearly shouts. The other kids sitting at the table groan. Some of them going to cover their ears. While some yelled angrily at Faye for disturbing them.

"Okay guys settle down." I say picking up a highlighter. I reach down to highlight Fayes name on my paper. I lean back in my chair with a sigh waiting for the rest to arrive. Working at a daycare was stressful enough. But lack of sleep was catching up to me now a days. It was like I was a vampire. Part of me didn't even notice I was tired. Until the lack of coffee got me.

I sip my pop from the Holiday station nearby. My nose scrunches noticing my ice had melted. I didn't particularly care for watered down pop. "Reyna! Me and uncle Noah saw you at the park!" Faye calls out. I glance up to see her munching on her cereal already in her seat. "Yeah I remember." I chuckle to myself. My mother was partially close to Noah's family. She went to high-school with one of Noah's distant cousins. Which meant growing up we were invited to parties Noah attended as well. Over time we learned to be friends. But Noah was a different person than most. He hanged out with other people that weren't in the public. Before he died his fathers company became a huge success. It's money making them all billionaires. When his father passed he was left the company.

After that we rarely talked unless we ran into each other in public. Or when he dropped Faye off at the daycare. I worked at one of the most popular daycares in the city. "Sorry I'm late!" My coworker, Leah, runs into the room. Her shoes squeaking on the floor. She was still dressed in athletic gear from her morning run.

"How many kids do we have?" She asks setting her bag in the closet.

"Ten." I mutter glancing at the table. Luckily the kids were too tired to cause much trouble. Although once in a while we had a few that threw tantrums. Mostly from missing their parents. I couldn't help but think that was precious.

Leah takes her spot across the table from me. Her newly manicured nails tap the table impatiently. "I'm so ready for the week to be over. I don't want to be put with baby's again." She complains. I let out a soft laugh before glances across the hall from us. The baby's room wasn't even opened yet.

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