Chapter 2

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If I told myself ten years ago I would end up here instead of married with my own child I would have slapped myself. But yet I sat here watching as the movers carry small boxes of my belongings into Noah's mansion. Noah and I had finished paperwork last week. A few days ago we were brought in for the insemination process. Let's just say I don't really feel comfortable going through that again.

The doctor told us we had almost a full 100% that I would be pregnant. He said due to both of our incredible health and levels that it would be an easy process. Of course Noah was now excited. So excited that he demanded for me to move in early. He kept telling me if it didn't work we could always keep trying.

"Celeste should be here any second." Noah says hanging up his self phone. I glance at him before looking back at the movers. "What's she like?" I ask.

"Well she's very stubborn. She has a good heart but doesn't show much. She mostly models for European agencies. So she's gone a lot for trips." He explains. I bet she was a blonde. Most models are blonde right? I couldn't help but be scared. What if she was mean? I've heard a lot of awful things about the modeling agencies. There's a lot of competition and drama.

"There she is." Noah calls out. I glance up to see a white limousine pull into the circular driveway of Noah's mansion. It slowed to stop but no one came out. Seconds later a chauffeur got out to open the door. He wore a black suit with a thick black hat. Only the best for the rich. As Celeste emerged I couldn't help but gawk at her. She had light brown hair and big doe brown eyes. She wore a tight sleek red lace dress with black pumps. Her makeup was a Smokey eye and she had blood red lipstick on.

"Noah!!" She shrieks loudly. She runs to him in her high heels making me eyes nearly pop out of my head. If I ran in those I would have two broken ankles. She falls in Noah's arm and wraps her arms around him. He returns the gesture before leading her over to me. She looks at me for a good moment. "You're so beautiful." Was the first thing she said to me. I stood there shocked as she pulls me into a hug.

"We need to get to know each other. Should we have a movie night? Ooh maybe we can go to the mall? I mean it's only like five in the afternoon. Oh but I am a bit jet legged though." She rambles. I couldn't help but admire her beauty. She was nothing like I expected.

"I think you both need rest. It's been a long day for both." Noah speaks up. Celeste rolls her eyes before grabbing my hand. "We are going to the mall." She speaks slowly. Noah crosses his arms and stares at her. He clearly wasn't on board with this plan.

"Please baby! We'll look at baby stuff and we'll have bodyguards with us at all time. I mean heck mine are still in the limo. Please!" Celeste begged. The squealing in my ear told me he agreed. Celeste tugs on my hand quickly. I let her drag me to the limo. The white doors were already opened for me by the chauffeur.

I gulped as I slid into the limo. In front of me were two buff body guards. One was wearing a suit while the other was in a muscle tee. The one in a suit had dark shades and a buzz cut. While the muscle tea on had his hair pulled back into a man bun. He was chewing on a tooth pick. Ah the classic body guard. Trying to look intimidating. I leaned back noticing that the limo was beginning to move.

"So tell me all the details. Are you excited to carry our baby? Oh my gosh you are just so precious. I would never be able to carry a child. I mean just imagine the stretch marks. I would love to but it would ruin my carrier. I would be a model for those baby mom commercials for ages." Celeste rambles in my ear.

"I don't mind it. I love children." It wasn't like I didn't already have stretch marks on my stomach. Strangely enough I was a tall girl but yet I was what people called "thicc" and I don't mean a bigger waist. I had thicker legs and arms as well. My stomach was slightly flat but sagged a little. But yet somehow my levels were all perfect. It told me that my body was healthy despite the heavily debated obesity topic in the news. Honestly thicker people could be healthy too. Unless you were too big where you can do day to day things like use the bathroom or walk. Clearly there was a problem there if you struggled with that.

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