Chapter 21

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My eyes were focused on the fireplace as Uncle Rodney told his story to the family. My mother sat next to me on the couch laughing. It was the last family dinner before my mother would be leaving. She just closed on a new house in a different state the daycare she arrived here. Surprisingly, the house was an extra vacation home. Meaning it was all ready for her to move in. All of her other belongings were shipped out yesterday. I still didn't know what to think about it.

I knew being back here was hard for her. She didn't particularly like to see my face. I reminded her too much of my father. Since she was in town there was a high chance he'd be lurking around. I like to tell people that my father is dead. Because I chose to tell myself that he's dead. He hasn't been in my life since I was fifteen.

The vibrations in my pocket alerted me of the time. Noah was currently outside in a car waiting for me. He thought driving himself to come get me would be safer than a driver. Natalia luckily didn't tell him about the ginger from the airport. But I knew she was slightly worried herself.

         "I'm sorry to interrupt Uncle Rodney. I have to get going," I say apologetically. Uncle Rodney glanced up at me before giving me a toothy smile. His arms extended for an hug. I give my mother one last hug before reaching over to him. The smell of his strong cologne left me dazed. I didn't know whether to puke from the scent, or to feel relaxed. I had a strange addiction to childhood scents. Sadly it made me feel safe.

        The rest of my family consisted of cousins which were distant relatives. I gave a short wave before nearly running out of the cabin my uncle lived in. Noah's sleek grey mustang was parking on the gravel dirt drive way. The dust from the road already painting the car dirty. I knew Noah was cursing himself for taking such a clean car here.

As I open the door I noticed the quietness. The car radio wasn't even on. Noah was sitting there watching me with an unamused expression on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask sliding into the car. The leather feeling nice under my finger tips.

"Work," he replied shortly. He doesn't wait time as soon as I'm buckled he puts the car in drive. I clutch the side of the car as he increases the speed.

"What is the issue?" I blurt out. Clearly he was losing his mind. Noah never speeds especially since I'm in the vehicle, carrying his child.

My stomach on instinct growls at the lack of food. I missed Uncle Rodney's BBQ due to having to pick up my mother from the city. She was too busy shopping to pick up her cell phone. Her excuse was that she needed new cloths for the weather in the other state.

"There's an investor trying to pull out of the project. I'm having my men hold him until we get there," he mutters. I slowly sink further in my seat feeling the negative energy radiate off Noah.

"Your men? The bodyguards?" I question. Surely he wouldn't force the investor to stay right? I could imagine a poor business man duck taped to a chair. The thought made me shiver feeling like I was watching a scene in a movie.

"No, the team that's supposed to be proposing the plan for it. My men are with Celeste in the city. She's attending some show with her friend, Edwardo. Some are at the mansion though. I'll have to get them to come to work," he grumbles.

I sat there admiring Noah. The slight sweat dripping off his forehead. The few wrinkles that were on his face. It just amazed me how someone can change over the years. That at one time we were both so young and so distant. Now we are in a car sharing a creation.

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