Chapter 32

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       The first few weeks after the ball were rough. No one in the house slept except for Faye. Most of us spending our time with our jobs. Garret and I constantly communicating with our contractors for the hospital. Noah hidden away in his office trying to  solve where Simon was. His team of private investigators coming to the mansion everyday.

         Celeste was constantly inviting people over. Most of the time they were in the backyard drinking. Natalia spent her time trying to help me. Everything was getting harder. Moving was becoming a struggle,  and I was highly sensitive. The stress starting to make me constantly sick to my stomach.

        Currently I sat in the living room waiting for Ana to arrive. She was sent on a trip due to Celeste misinforming a brand she would model for them. She was the damage control police of course. "Hey!" I perk up noticing Ana strut into the room. Her body covered by a fake white fur coat.

       "Hey, wow you are glowing," I comment. Her aura practically hitting me in the face. She looked like being sent on the trip was the best thing in her life.

        "Aww thank you. But trust me, you are way more stunning than me. Motherhood really suits you," she confesses. She takes a seat in the chair across from me.

        "So what was so urgent you needed to talk to me about?" I nearly blurt out. Ana sighs, glancing towards the door way nervously.

        "Are we alone?" she asks.

       "Celeste and her friends are drunk in the back yard, Noah is in his office, Nat is with Faye at the park and Garret is at work," I ramble on.

       "It'll have to do. I wanted to tell you sooner but Celeste sent me on that stupid trip. The brand wasn't even offended by the mistake," she laughs.

        "What is it?" I ask. I was hoping Ana would bring light to my situation. I had a bad feeling something would happen soon.

         I visited Wilbert in the hospital the other day. The sight of his condition made me cry. He was still in a medically reduced coma. The doctors said he still had brain activity, but it was very low. When he's ready they'll bring him back. But he'll have to be put into a group home for disabilities.

         "Well the night of the ball Celeste's family gave me a ride home. I fell asleep, but woke up to them chatting," she begins, "I heard so many things you won't believe."

         I lean closer into the dinning room table. My bowl of ice cream melting in front of me. I couldn't take a chance on missing any information. "Spill."

         "Turns out Celeste dated Simon when she was young like eighteen. She broke up with him a year and a half before she met Noah. I heard Robert telling her Simon was asking about her, and why she hasn't been returning his calls," Ana confesses. The urge to puke was strong. Simon was twice Celeste's age. Practically the age of Robert, her father.

         "So she doesn't have contact with Simon then. That means she isn't involved with Simons plans," I conclude.

      Ana shrugs in response, "I'm not sure exactly. But Robert was urging her to consider breaking it off with Noah. But Celeste really does have feelings for Noah. Except she doesn't want to be tied to one person," she explains. I tried not to imagine what that meant for Celeste. Most likely Celeste hasn't been loyal to Noah. The countless days she's on trips or at parties. I'm surprised she isn't pregnant at this point.

       "What else?" I ask.

       "There wasn't really a lot besides that. They mostly talked about businesses. Robert did mention you though. He said that you were acting odd at the party," she states.

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