Chapter 40

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When I woke at dawn Reyna was still asleep in our bed. Her messy hair draping over my pillow. She had a tendency to cuddle with me. Luckily my pillow was big enough for the two of us to lay our heads on. A sigh escapes me as I sit on the edge of the bed watching her. I couldn't sleep after I woke up. Today was the day I was scheduled to meet with Ricky. Also the day my brother decided he would visit us.

I wasn't looking forward to meet with him. He hasn't been my brother in years. I didn't want Reyna to meet him. She would be meeting another part of my past. I had to protect her from that before she got hurt.

The sun was starting to rise higher reflecting off my body. I've been sitting here for hours trying to think of an excuse. A way to get Reyna out of the house for the day. But I couldn't risk her safety since I would not be by her side.

She shuffled in her sleep letting out a soft breath. I lean forward pressing my ear to her stomach. I waited hoping for something to happen. The baby started kicking more and more. It was almost time for the birth. I couldn't wait to meet my child. The stinging in my heart at the thought of it's twin. The twin that was killed by Celeste. I thought of the last day we talked. The day of the court trial.

"Why are you here? The court trial doesn't start for another hour or two. What did you do to get me in here?" she asks. She walks towards me crossing her arms. The smug smirk on her face.

"I wanted to see you face to face. We have some things to chat about. One last time," I say straightening my tie. Celeste smiles widely walking closer to me. She stops at my chest laying a hand on it. She soothes her hand across my clothed chest.

"Did you miss me? You couldn't help but see me one last time. Just for some fun?" she teases. Her hand starts to move further down my suit. The alarms going off in my head as her hand became dangerously low. Her finger grazing the waistband of my pants. I snatch her hand laying my fingers around her wrist. She scowls as I rip her hand off of my body.

"How stupid are you? Clearly I have no intention of fooling around with the girl that killed my child. You hurt Reyna," I exclaim. She pouts turning around and walking down the isle of the court room. Her finger trailing along the wood of the bench.

"Everything is always about Reyna hasn't it? It wasn't always that way. In the very beginning she was nothing more than the surrogate," she bitterly spats. She turns around towards me. Her long hair flowing against the breeze of the motion. In the past I would have been memorized by her. But the only woman on my mind was Reyna. It has been for a while.

"She was just the surrogate," I admit honestly. Celeste laughs emotionlessly to herself.

"What changed Noah? She's only been back in your life since November! Less than a year compared to me. You've dated me for years," Celeste exclaims urgently. She walks toward me eagerly to get close. I put up my hand stopping her. She tries to step closer but I block her off. She glances down at my hand with a scowl on her face.

"I love Reyna. I have for a while Celeste," I confess. Celeste stares at me for a few seconds. Shortly after she bursts into giggles.

"Love? It took you two years to tell me you loved me. You love Reyna? It's been less than a year," she says. A small smile graces my face at the thought.

"I've loved Reyna for years. Since high school I've had feelings for her. I never acted on them until now. I feared everyone else's opinions over my own. Finally, I have a chance to be with her. I'm not going to waste it," I state. Celeste stands there silently watching me. The look of distaste hanging over her like the grim reaper.

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