Chapter 12

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       I currently sat at my desk searching through the options online. I had no idea where to take Reyna on our day tomorrow. Celeste would be leave tomorrow to go to Washington while I stayed here. Now I was stuck trying to figure out a game plan.

     I would be lying if I said I didn't feel extremely guilty. I knew I should have texted her once. But part of me told myself I wasn't being loyal. My full attention should have been on Celeste. Especially since now she's my fiancee. But half the time my mind was on Reyna. The thoughts being what would hold in the future. After the baby was born would I let her breast feed it? I mean surely I would have to right? Breast milk is better for the baby than formula.

    My seven hours of daily research told me that much. The rest of the information was junk that I already knew. I wondered if Reyna was doing research too. "Busy at work?" Celeste asks. I glanced up noticing her leaned against the door frame of my office.

    We were in my office at the mansion. Meaning she could visit me whenever she needed to. I didn't feel like returning to work tonight. "Uh yeah," I reply. She smiles mischievously. She starts to stalk towards me. I quickly reach down hitting the red button to close the browser.

      Celeste ignores my actions and climbs onto me. As she sits in my lap she picks up various pieces of paper. "What is all this junk?" She sets them down in random piles making me internally groan. She couldn't have known any better but she messed up all my fax papers.

     "Just some work papers I have to send back. What's up? I thought you had an appointment before your plane tomorrow?" I ask. I thought she had left hours ago to be honest. As far as I knew everyone was gone except for Garret and Reyna. Natalia took Faye out to dinner. It was long awaited as Natalia tried to get out of it. Her mental health playing a big role in prohibiting time with her daughter.

     "I had to cancel it. My father just called to inform me he's coming over. The whole family wanted to have a dinner tonight if that's alright?" Celeste flutters her eyelashes. She was trying to get me to play right into her hands. It was odd for her father to call for an dinner unannounced. It must be because of the engagement.

    "That should be fine," I say. Luckily my chefs were in today making a dish Reyna requested. After our talk she scavenged the kitchen. It seems like her cravings have started early. Although she does have morning sickness. I guess this meant we were in for a lot.

    At the same time I couldn't wrap my head around Reyna dating Brendon. He was all sweet on the outside but truly he was selfish. He always has been growing up. I don't know what she sees in him. I sighed softly knowing I was acting jealous. Reyna is an independent woman. Obviously I was attracted to her. But there was nothing going on between us.

    "I tried to call for Reyna but she didn't reply. I want to introduce her to my parents," she mentions. Her fingers digging through my scalp to massage it.

     "It's too early. I'm sorry but no," I reply.

     "Fine I won't invite her to dinner. Do you not want to tell my father about our child?" she confronts me. If Reyna went to dinner it would be a complete disaster. Celeste's family was no ordinary family. Before my father died he struck a deal with her father. I never knew what the deal was nor could the investigator find out.

    But I knew it had something to do with his death. Even Natalia believed our father was murdered. It was strange how he died. My poor mother left us as soon as she could. She was appalled by Natalia joining the family. Especially ruining her reputation with the press. She took money and ran away to build a new life. Of course she was far too old to start a new family though.

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