Chapter 15

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I sat on the plane clutching the toilet like life depended on it. My stomach shifted causing puke to flow up my throat. I coughed as I wretched the remains of the food in my stomach into the toilet. The ceramic felt cold and nice under my touch which made me feel even more disturbed. Toilets always made me uncomfortable to throw up in since it was inches from were someone took a number two. I gagged again feeling Noah tighten his grip on my hair. It was one of the few times he witnessed my morning sickness.

"I don't see how you're puking so badly. You haven't had anything in hours," Noah mutters to himself. I leaned back wiping my chin with a piece of toilet paper. If only he knew I ate a full bag of mini Oreos while he was on a business call with Garret. We were currently on the flight to visit Noah's mother.

Noah helped me back to my seat taking a spot next to me. He gazes out of the window with his arms folded. "How much longer?" I say weakly. I still felt sick to my stomach while sitting here. I knew I shouldn't have sneaked the food.

"We're actually landing right now," he comments. The plane jiggles slightly causing me to clutch the arm rest. My mother and I could never really afford to go anywhere. So I've only been on an airplane once in my life. The trip to Florida was short lived though because of my father.

"I forgot how beautiful it is here," he comments. I glance outside of the windows at the sight of Hawaii. His mother called him yesterday to tell him she went back to one of her beach houses in Hawaii.

"You've been here before?" I ask. Noah sighs peacefully raising a hand to point out of the window.

"I use to come here all of the time growing up," he mentions.

"Does your mom remember me?" I ask curiously. The plane finally hit the runway causing everyone on the plane to hold onto their seats. It starts to slow down making Noah shift forward in his seat. He reaches down and grabs my carry on bag for me.

"I guess we'll see."

"How far is she from here?" I felt like I was keeping the conversation alive. Ever since we boarded Noah has rarely said a word to me. The most he talked was on his phone calls which each lasted less than twenty minutes.

"She's here," he replies unbuckling his seat. I watch him walk past me straightening his suit and running a hand through his hair. Now I understand why he was dressed up so nicely. Clearly his mother and him didn't hold a great relationship. He must feel the need to uphold to her expectations. I knew this because he forced me into a long silk dress that had slits on the sides to expose some skin. The top half of the dress was tighter but flowed out before my baby bump. I knew this was one of the last time I would be able to wear a nice dress before the bump stops me.

Finally the plane stopped and outside the window stood a woman leaned against a limo. She was dressed in a Hawaiian dress that was pinned up on one side showcasing her legs. She stood with a cigarette in her fingers and dark shades on her face. Her hair was dyed blonde but clearly graying at the roots. "That's her?" I ask in disbelief. I tried to remember her from when I was a child. Last I remembered I saw her on a cover as a model for a company. Now she looked like she was rundown from years of work.

I look up to see Noah standing by the door waiting for me. I clutched my bag hurrying to his side. I knew he was anxious to see her again. Me sitting her staring at her wasn't going to make it better. As we descended the stairs I felt nervous as her gaze fell on me. "Oh did you get rid of Celeste?" his mother spoke. Her voice was smooth despite the cigarette she held in her mouth. She takes another puff before scraping the bud across the ground. She leaves it on the ground smashing it with her foot.

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