Chapter 48

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     My fingers traced the cracked wood underneath my finger tips. The lightening bolt shaped mark splitting the desk into two halves. My fist causing the damage to my office desk. The bruises on my arms matching the ones forming on my knuckles. The bleeding leaking through the bandages Ana had wrapped for me. I placed pressure on them to block the bleeding before throwing the bandages aside.

     "Noah?" A muffled voice calls out. I watch silently as the door handle jiggles. The lock preventing anyone from entering. "The officers are here to ask you some more questions."

      A burdened sigh escapes me giving away my position. My eyes flicker to the last remaining monitor on my broken desk. The other computers thrown and shattered across the room. The cameras show two officers at the door of the mansion. They always sent two officers. One officer was too risky, two was for safety.

       I pulled out my phone pulling up the video tape on my phone. The hospital administration sent me the videos. The videos of me disarming the camera in a room. Luckily, they had agreed to keep quiet if I payed them millions of dollars over the years. After all, I could be heavily charged. "Tell them I'll be right there. Offer them a beverage," I reply.

        "Please let her rest for now. We are doing everything we can for them," the doctor reassures me. I clutch Reyna's hand tightly as it laid limp in my own. Her soft touch feeling too cold to my liking. The remaining sweat on her forehead reminding me of her difficult feat. She needed time to recover.

          "May I still see her later?" I ask. The doctor nods with a smile. She motions to the nurse to follow her as she leaves.

           "The other will return shortly. The tests should be done by now," she calls out. Once they left I pull myself to my feet. My hand still holding hers close to me. I didn't want to leave her side. But I knew the others in the waiting room would want to know the news.

           I stopped at the door handle to gaze back at Reyna. Her monitor showing she was perfectly fine. It was an extra measure I wanted for observation. It felt like seconds before I finally pushed myself to leave the room.

             As people pass by me I straighten my posture. A small smile gracing my lips. I was now officially a father. I couldn't wait to tell the rest. I found the sign pointing to the waiting room. My feet nearly stumble over each other. Although I was in a hurry I didn't miss the penny on the floor. The penny was sitting right in front of a room door.

            I stopped in front of it leaning down to grab it. It was tails side up indicating no good luck. I sigh placing it upside right. With the head side gleaming at me I left it. I look to the door noticing the small window allowed me to gaze inside.

           At first I saw his feet peaking out from the cheap cotton blankets. But then his tattoo was showcased on his arm. I looked behind me looking for a witness. Once the coast was clear I peered into the room. With no sign of a visitor I opened the door. Closing it softly behind me I walked closer to the man in the bed. The blanket pulled up to his shoulders blocking the sight of his body.

             Next to the bed was a tray with medical equipment on it. The medical bandages sitting next to a pay of scissors. I step up to it gazing down at the objects on the tray. My fingers tracing the cold metal. I take it into my hand with a hard grasp. I turn around looking up at the camera in the corner. Most hospitals were getting cameras to observe patients. They weren't turned on unless there was no visitors because of privacy.

             His wasn't on. But I couldn't risk the idea of it turning on. As I walked up to the camera the light flickered on. I throw my arm up pulling the wire out into view from behind the camera. The scissors already feeling the material of the wire between its clamp. I snip the wire quickly disabling the camera. Chances are they saw my face already.

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