Chapter 35

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I couldn't sleep that night in the hospital. I sat all the way until morning. Except Reyna wasn't there to greet me. My doctor stood at my door frame with a clipboard in his hands. "How are you feeling Mr.Coldwell?" he asks.

"I'm feeling okay. A little weak still," I confess. The doctor walks closer to me observing my charts on the paper.

"Well it looks like the lab finally was able to identify the abnormality. If you want we could go for a walk?" he offers. I gaze down at my hospital gown and mentally groan. I felt bare as I emerged from my bed. The cheap thin material sliding easily off me onto the bed. I couldn't wait to be back in my bed in my own blankets.

The doctor helps me bring my IV stand with me as we walked. They still had me on fluids which was ridiculous. As far as I known I was fine just a little sleep deprived.

The nurses outside the room glanced curiously at me as I walked by. I cursed silently realizing this would be in the news. I had to leave this hospital as soon as I can. "So everything looks good. But your bloodwork came back which threw everything off," he states.

"What is it?" I ask. I had a bad feeling he was going to tell me I was diabetic. My father was diabetic, but I didn't think it was inherited from anyone.

"Tetradotoxin," he says simply. I sit there gaping unaware of what it was. I simply heard the word "toxin" which meant it wasn't good.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's a powerful neurotoxin that can cause paralysis and loss of sensation. You had a low amount in your system. But I believe it's possible someone was trying to increase amounts each time," he confesses.

"Someone was trying to kill me?" I ask. I felt myself slowly becoming furious. No doubt it had something to do with Simon. The reason why I was in the hospital was this.

"Yes, but I also found another thing in your system. It is not my place to judge but offer support. A lot of business people like to indulge in such a activities," the doctor mentions. I stopped walking causing the doctor to pass me. He notices and hesitates to continue.

"I have never done drugs in my life if that's what your implying," I defend myself. The doctor doesn't believe me. He stands there with a blank expression.

"It says you had small traces in your blood stream. Perhaps you were partying and don't remember. If you think you have an addiction there is plenty of resources I can offer you to get you help," he informs me politely.

"I already told you I have never done drugs. Shut up before I make you," I threaten. The doctor sighs turning to walk away.

"Looks like you'll need some time to yourself," he says.

"I'm not lying doctor," I tell him. The doctor shakes his head starting to walk away.

"Somehow you had it in your system," he says. I lean against the wall with my IV stand. The nurses and aids pass by me minding their own business. The doctor long gone around the corner of the hallway.

"Noah?" my head snaps up to see Nat. She stood there in front of me.

Her eyes were bloodshot red supporting heavy bags under it. She must have been crying. The rest of her attire seemed to fit the description. "Hey Nat, I didn't see you yesterday," I comment. I only had woken up to Reyna by my side.

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