A lost memory.

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The sun shines through the windshield, turning the car into an oven. The windows are down, and your hair whips wildly in the pine scented breeze. Your father turns the steering wheel, following the curve of the road. Music plays from the radio, as dense forest glides past.

" Mommy, Mommy!" You're in the middle seat, mouth sweet and sticky with candy. You brandish a once fluffy rabbit, the fur matted from the many times you played in the dirt and dropped Miss Carrots into a puddle.

Your mom turns in the passenger seat, a warm smile crinkling the corners of her mouth.

" What is it Y/N?" Your mom asks.

" Miss Carrots says she needs more candy."

"Sweetie, I don't think Miss Carrots said that."

"Yes she did!" You cross your arms, throwing Miss Carrots onto the floor.

" Y/N, don't you dare take that TONE with me. We're nearly at the park, and you'll spoil your appetite if you eat too much candy," your mom reprimands, turning in her seat.

Your tiny fists clench and you scream, kicking your legs, " I want more CANDY!"

" Y/N be quiet!" Your mom yells.

" No!"

" Geez, I'm trying to drive here," your dad complains. It's a wonder you heard him at all over your temper tantrum. Tears stream down your hot little face, as you hiccup, then scream again for more candy.

Your mom whirls around, her mouth a thin line, " Y/N if you're not quiet by the time I count to three, I'm never giving you candy EVER again! One... two..." But you don't care- all you want is candy.

You keep screaming, limbs flailing until your dad takes his eyes off the road for a split second, his mouth opens angrily, and he's about to scold you too. You're sitting in the middle seat so you see the black truck when it crashes into your parents car. The screech of metal ripping metal is deafening, your world flips upside down and the car bounces on its roof with a crash. All the windows shatter, and glass sprays over you, stinging you with cuts. The car bounces once more, your mom's screaming as both your parent's arms flail with the shift in gravity, their heads lolling. The car collides with a tree snapping it in two, a shard of the tree pierces through the windshield and rips through your stomach. 

You gasp awake, flailing in your bed sheets, sweat pours down the back of your neck as you scramble to a sitting position. Reaching over you switch on your bedside lamp and pull up your shirt, inspecting your stomach.

There's no shard of tree in your belly, no scar, nothing.

You whimper in relief, leaning against your headboard. You're still gasping for air.

It was just a dream.

But it felt so real! You sit there for a while, your brow furrows as you replay the dream over and over. Something's not right. Putting your head in your hands you try to think. That car seemed so familiar and...Miss Carrots was a real childhood toy of yours.

You scramble out of bed, and blindly race down the pitch black hall heading to your parents room." Ow," you bump your knee against a table full of photographs, they clatter as they fall against the hard surface. You limp past, not caring to fix them up. Getting to your parents room, you push open their door with a creak and switch their light on, their darkened room floods with light. They both wake, shifting under the covers and blink blearily at you.

" What the hell? What time is it?" Your dad squints, he glances out the window and see that it's still night.

" Mom, Dad were we in a car accident when I was little?" You're still in their doorway, heart racing with desperation. You don't care that you've woken your parents. This is urgent!

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