Spiderman and Scarlet Witch

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 * Just a quick shout out to @lumosaloy and @goodgirlfaith_13 . Thank you both for your continued support! It means the world to me xoxox.  If any body else is reading this, please check out their works, or give them a follow : ) .

The cold air whips through your hair, numbing your face. You're frozen, gripping Tom like a vice as he swings through the city. A horn honks below and you glance down at the street. There's a line of cars stuck in traffic, like a row of fairy lights. I hope they can't see us. Nausea roils in your gut at how high you are, so you look up at the sky, at the full moon and the twinkling stars to distract yourself.

The buildings become sparse as Tom swings closer to your suburb, his breath laboring from the effort. Finally, the city disappears as you reach the bland cookie cutter houses of suburbia. Tom hauls past beige houses and rooftops. Snippets of families watching TVs through windows dart by, their laughter floating in the night air, along with the lingering smell of dinner. Some houses lie in darkness, their occupants already in bed, silently slumbering.

Your arms and legs are heavy with fatigue, so you will the chaos energy to wrap around you and Tom to support you in place. Loosening your grip on Tom, you wince as the blood rushes back to your limbs.

Glancing ahead, you try to ignore the flip in your stomach from each swing as you edge closer to your house. Finally, Tom swings you from your neighbours house and onto your rooftop, landing silently onto the tiles.

" Which side is your bedroom?" Tom whispers.

" It's to the left."

" Ok, hold on. I'm going to crawl in from the roof."

"Ok," you squeak, palms breaking out in a sweat. The chaos magic hums louder, tightening your grip on Tom. Your arms and legs scream with fatigue but you tighten your hold on him anyways.

Tom crouches down, his hands coming into contact with the tiles. He crawls on all fours, silently and agilely. God, he's strong. He edges closer to the roof, and you suppress the urge to scream as you see the long drop below. Tom crawls over the edge and down the wall. Your hanging upside down, heart racing, blood rushing to your head.

" Which one is it?" He whispers.

You look and see the bathroom window to the left and your bedroom to the right.

" It's to the right," you choke out . He crawls towards it, and you gulp as he reaches the window. He does a 180 until you're the right way up, the pressure in your head eases. You're crouching next to the window and for a minute you just stare, dumbfounded at the fact that the only thing holding you and Tom up is his hands and feet sticking to the wall.

" Uh... Y/N the window's shut."

You blink, " Right, don't worry. I got this." Your eyes narrow as you focus on a tendril of chaos magic. It seeps through the window, unlocking the latch and sliding the window open.

" Wow," Tom breathes.

" Wow? You just saved us from Agent Magneto and we're hanging off the side of my house! I should be saying wow."

Tom shoots you a grin over his shoulder. Reaching for the window frame he effortlessly climbs  through your window. Your room is pitch black, save for the glow of scarlet energy around you and Tom. Clambering off his back, you wobble on rubbery legs, and your arms are jelly as they hang at your sides.

Your eyes narrow as you shoot a dart of scarlet energy at the light switch, flicking the light on. Tom's standing next to your bed. The scarlet energy dies as you watch Tom take in the furnishings of your room. His eyes dart over the bookshelf in the corner of the room, your desk that covers one wall, and the TV crammed in the corner. Your bed takes up most of the room and you can still smell the perfume you sprayed earlier in the evening, sweet and floral.

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