An epiphany

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You both sit there frozen in shock, your mouth's hanging open and you wished you'd accepted Toms offer for a second drink.

Shocked chatter fills the silence, as the people in the bar start discussing what they just saw. The bartender is talking to one of the cooks in a hushed whisper, and the group of guys huddle together. Some of them have taken their phones out, scrolling through social media or to tell their loved ones about what they've seen.

You're shaking your head, as your hands run through your hair, " No, no. Whatever that was, it can't have anything to do with the dreams... it just... it just can't," you're dizzy, and a clammy sweat dots your forehead. Tom's chest is rising rapidly, and you realise he's panicking as well.

" What else could it be? What we have is weird, and that-" Tom jabs a finger at the TV, " Was the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life, it can't be a coincidence. What the hell was she? She had superpowers."

Your mind's reeling, from what you just witnessed, and it feels like there's ants crawling in your stomach. Maybe it was a trick? Or a clever illusion- like the ones that David Blaine or Criss Angel does. But in the back of your mind you know that a trick wouldn't be reported in the news.

" I mean c'mon Y/N what are the odds that we have these dreams, then there's someone like her on the news. I mean she flew and shot lightning at the cops," Tom hisses.

You stare at Tom, your throat tight as you feel yourself give up on the hope that this is all a coincidence or a trick. He believes that this isn't an illusion, and sadly after everything that's happened it doesn't seem like it is," This is messed up... Something's happening and it's affecting people, and we are somehow part of it... What is it though?" You gnaw on your bottom lip.

Tom shrugs, " I don't know. But maybe it means, we're getting powers too. Like, telepathic abilities."

Your heart gallops at the thought, your fists clench as you try to calm the air hissing in and out of your lungs. But you don't want telepathic abilities- you want to be normal!

" Hey, are you ok?" Toms face creases with concern, and he places a hand on your arm.

The contact makes you blink, distracting you momentarily, " Yeah... I'm just trying to calm down. It's just a bit much, you know."

" I know," he rubs your arm in assurance, empathy in his eyes.

After a moment, you sigh, " I wonder what's causing this..."

" Who knows," Tom leans away, taking a swig of beer.

" But what if this gets worse between us? What if our dreams come true, and there is some weird tornado that destroys a city?" Your voice wavers, hands shaking.

Tom leans over and clasps your hands in his, causing you to freeze. A flush heats your cheeks and you look up into pools of chocolate, " It'll be ok. We don't know for sure that they'll come true. But if they do, or if we get powers out of it, we'll handle it together... Obviously, we can't go to the cops though," Tom whispers.

You nod, " The police tried to kill that lady on the news, before she even done anything."

Tom nods, his warm hands leaving yours. They feel cold and empty without his.

" We don't know what's causing this, but we'll somehow find out, I'm sure of it," Tom murmurs, running a hand through his hair.

Your mind's racing, thinking about the woman from the TV. An image of her swirling white hair, as she shot off into the thunderclouds tugs at your memory. Her glowing eyes, as bright as the lightning she tore from the clouds, burns into your brain.

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