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Flashback 2013
"y/n!" you heard in the distance behind you.

It was vacation, the end of your Sophomore year. The wind blew through your hair and you held out your hand to block the sun from getting in your eyes. 

School had just ended and you were ready for the best summer of your life. The reason why it was going to be the best is because you had made big plans to spend it with your best friend.

"y/n wait!" You heard your name being shouted again, but closer.
You'd recognize that voice anywhere. So well you didn't need to see who it was. You turned  anyways and it was your best friend, just as you suspected. Yoon Jeonghan. He's been your bestie since diapers. You grew up together, you were at each others' house all the time, you walked home together everyday because you both lived in the same area. His family loved you and your family loved him. Just like as if you two were part of each other's families.

Next year, You were going to be a 3rd year and Jeonghan was going to be a 4th. Meaning this was his last summer in high school.

You were looking at the sidewalk wondering if you should take the normal way home, but instead you went the old way that you and Jeonghan use to take as kids when you both were in elementary school. "No way am I waiting for you. I'll race you to the old playground!"

You started running but Jeonghan was much faster than you. "Haaa, I beat you!" He said smiling. "That isn't fair! I was even ahead!" you were out of breath. You laid on the grass in the field on the side of the playground that had the view of some of the city and he followed after you laying right next to you. Before laying all the way down you looked out at the little buildings and fell back to see the clouds and the nice bright blue sky. You sighed while looking at the puffy clouds.

He questioned you,
"Why'd you take this route home? You didn't say anything about going to the playground."

"It's finally break, I wanted to start it off right. We haven't been here in forever! Isn't it nice?" You answered

"I guess so"

You both were laying opposite ways but your heads were together, your arms spread out at your sides, looking up at the clouds you tried to make shapes. 

"Hey Hanni."


"What do you want to do when you get older?"
You asked.

"I wanna be famous"

"PFffT, Hah okay." You chuckled, you lifted your hand and flicked his cheek

"I'm gonna grow out my hair and allllll the girls will love me" He sounded like he was joking.

You continued laughing
"Whatever you say"

End Flashback
You were laying on your bed with your arms spread out as if you were laying on that old field again, thinking about the past. That was such a long time ago you thought. It's been 5 years since then. It really was the best summer ever, though. You spent most of your time with him. Whether at your house or his or maybe out in the town. He graduated the year after that school year and went to some cool media school for college. Of course, you stayed at the same highschool, except senior year felt a little lonely. You didn't see or contact him as often during that time because he was away which lead you two to grew apart. After that, you went to college but you dropped out because you didn't really have a career in mind.


It was 2 days away from your old friend's birthday. Every year you texted Jeonghan happy birthday even though you didn't talk to him as much as you used to. Every year you never got a response from him. It's like the only thing keeping your relationship existing was the thoughts that still lingered in your mind about what it would be like if you never split.

You sat up, picked up your phone and went to your contacts and found his

'Jeonghanni <333 bestieee'

There was an old picture of you two making funny faces at the top of the screen. You put that as his contact photo

he doesn't care about you anymore because he's famous now. He never even texts you back. What makes you think this year is any different?

"He's famous now" You said to yourself. Almost a mumble.

he's famous now.

The words echoed in your mind.

Phone in your hand. "Maybe I shouldn't send a message this year. I'll just get ignored... like every year"

You knew he was an idol. Back then, You didn't know he was recording for that big group Seventeen just after you guys grew apart. He debuted in 2015 with 12 other boys and you were heart broken because he didn't say a word to you about it. "Some friend he was. I guess I won't send a message this year."

every year, expecting a simple 'Thank you' from that birthday wish. Nothing. You went on with your night and went to sleep.

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