Notice II

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Woah okay, Hi! It's me author lol, anyways I just saw something crazy so if you don't mind reading along:

There's this korean movie on Netflix called "Tune in for Love" and I've only gotten 10 minutes in, but in the movie there's this girl and an old lady and a boy working in a bakery, which is exactly what I would imagine y/n and her mom looking like in the bakery? And the bakery in that movie just happens to look the same way I thought it would look in my story (but just looking a little bigger and nicer). The movie had a group of fan girls of the boy too (just as I imagined in my story), so I thought that was really weird but amazing that I thought up these things and they appeared in some movie I found? I feel like that's what Jeonghan and y/n would look like in their younger years working in the bakery with y/n's mom.

If you ever take the time to watch just those 10 minutes (or the whole movie if you'd like), then I think that'd be really cool! Also, you'd have a better understanding of what I imagine some of the setting would be.

Again, It's called "Tune in for Love" on Netflix

Anyways -- New update may be soon? I'm still working up ideas, if you have any requests for other members and prompts for them, Please send my way! I'm open for requests now!

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