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The day went quick. Time flies fast when you're having fun. You both lived the day as if you were teenagers again. After the playground you both went to get ice cream and then he drove you to the beach. You guys walked and played near the water and in the sand. After the beach you went to the city and did a little shopping. Well, window shopping. You couldn't afford a lot of nice clothes from the city because they were expensive. Jeonghan did a little shopping when you both walked to the market. He got you a handmade bracelet and you got him one too. For dinner you went to get street food and from there, you walked to the car and now he's driving you home. The whole day he talked about his group and work and you told him about your work and your family and stuff like that. You reminisced about how today went as it was pretty eventful. It reminded you of that one summer before Junior year. (a/n: the one from the flashback in part one. just had to clarify. okay bye)

 At this moment, you were looking out the window with a slight smile on your face that you didn't even realize that you had, while playing with the bracelet Jeonghan bought you that was on your wrist.

It was quiet in the car. You were both tired but the silence was a comfortable silence.

He then pulled into the driveway of your house and both of you got out of the car. He walked you to the door.

"Thank you for today, I had a lot of fun. It's been awhile since we hung out like that." You said as you guys were walking but the little sidewalk that lead up to your door.

"Hah, Yeah. I'm not super busy this week so we can hang out a little more throughout this week. Sound good?" He responded

"Hmm, how about you introduce me to your friends?" You were eager to meet them. He talked about them a bit throughout the day.

You both reached the door.

"If that's what you want." He turned to look at you, "They were asking about you yesterday at the party. I think they're excited to meet you as soon as possible. Are you working tomorrow?"

"No, I don't work on Sundays. You shouldn't bother visiting the bakery anymore... Little girls just come in to loiter and nag me about your group being there" You rolled your eyes.

"Ahh, then I guess I could pick you up from work from now on." He said

Your eyes lit up a bit "Really? That'd be nice. I usually walk."

"Then I guess it's settled." He replied

You were excited that you would start seeing him more often. You said your goodbyes and you then opened the door and he walked to his car. Before he got in you waved goodbye and then shut the door. You heard his car start and drive away.

"eeK!" You covered your mouth. You were so happy about today. You walked up the stairs and to your room with a wide smile on your face.

It was 10:39pm

Your mom was probably already asleep. You showered and got ready for bed. 

After getting ready it was already 11:24pm

You were so exhausted from the day that the moment you reached your bed you had already passed out. you didn't notice that your phone had buzzed on your desk. 


Jeonghan's POV

After I dropped off y/n, I headed straight home. I didn't notice the smile I had on my face until I saw my reflection in my car window.

Once I got home, I tried to be as quiet as I could.

I went straight to my room. Luckily I didn't share a room with anyone or else a bunch of questions would be thrown at me. 

Everyone else was probably asleep or just in their room because I didn't see anyone on the way to my own room. I did my nightly routine and went to my desk to do some work that I had left. I couldn't stop thinking about y/n, so I sent her a goodnight text



[happy I got to spend time w u. goodnight y/n]



I waited a little for a while for a response but she didn't say anything. It still showed sent too. I assume she was already sleeping. I chuckled a little at the thought. I sent another:



[happy I got to spend time w u. goodnight y/n]

[sleep well :)]




Sorry for the lack of updating. Not that this story gets a lot of attention anyway, but thanks for reading :) Another chapter will be coming and a lot sooner than this one has. Life has just been busy and I've been neglecting my work for video games w/ friends. Anyways, tyyy bye byeee

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