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You left. Left home with nothing to help you figure where you were or where you were even going or what time it was, all you knew was that it was the afternoon. You just walked with your head looking at your feet as you moved one in front of the other. Maybe taking a turn every once in a while. Your feet hurt terribly and it was cold, considering it was fall, and you kept walking. Thinking. Anger clouding over every single thought you had. How could your mom take life so... simply? For crying out loud, Jeonghan was an idol. An idol who belonged to a company, and a company who still had you on a contract. How could she think she could just call and ask for a room for you? And leaving the house vacant?

Your life was tearing apart by real world situations that were too big for you to solve, let alone handle. But the thing is, are these 'real world situations' even real? No normal adult would have to go through the type of things that had to rely on a bunch of famous people. 

As you continued thinking and walking, you finally snapped out of your own thoughts for a split second at the feeling of being somewhere familiar. Back to reality, you stared at the ground that seemed too familiar than you'd have comfort for.

Your eyes shot up to see a slide and set of swings and other equipment you once enjoyed as a kid. The Playground. The one you'd race him to only to buy ice cream following after and lie on the ground. The one you spent most of your childhood at. You then continued walking toward the swings, only to sit in the designated seat that you took and claimed when you were younger. Your hands crawling to the chain that held the seat up. It was cold and felt like ice and smelt of metal. From there, you raised your head to look at the clouds, took a deep breath and just stared. 

A warm sensation creeped your cheek and you felt a lump in your throat. You were crying. Not because you might've potentially lost your best friend over something stupid you said, not because your life was changing and it was too out of reach to fix, but because the atmosphere of the playground brought something out of you. The feeling of being a kid. Because the situation you were in was a new experience that you couldn't handle and it was too close to resemblance of that of what a child would go through. You had been single and boring and lived in your same bedroom for 22 years and only now are you going through what maybe an adult would be going through. 

"Your mother is worried about you" a familiar voice said, you thought as if it were in your head. "and its cold."

"Really? I didn't know" you scoffed to yourself. A moment of silence followed. Then being broken with questions.

"You didn't mean what you said did you? That you wished all these people hadn't come into your life?" The voice said.

"I.. I didn't" the tears began to pile up as if you poured too much water into a cup and it was about to seep off the edge. "I was angry and confused with my feelings. In the moment I just thought that none of this would happen if my life stayed normal"

"Well, normal is boring isn't it?" The voice said back. "Yeah, well normal means no pain" You gave a tint of attitude in your response. 

"What if pain is normal?" 

"Then hell maybe my life just means nothing!" You yelled. Hitting your head "Get out of my head and just shut up!" you shut your eyes tightly

You tugged at your hair, warm hands grabbing yours and leading them to your lap and continued holding them, you opened your eyes and found them staring down to a Jeonghan kneeling in front of you looking more worried than you've ever seen him.

"I wasn't in your head" He said, you pulled your hands away to wipe your tears and eyes. "And I don't plan on shutting up"

"How'd you know I was here?" Finally a good question was asked.

"I didn't. I had an upset feeling about you so I went to your house. Your mom said you stormed out, so I drove to the bakery, which was empty, then I drove here to find an eyesore of a raggedy little girl who looks like her heart just got smashed into a million pieces" He smiled and poked your cheek. You frowned at his comment. "Joshua must've told you about what I yelled huh?"

"Yeah, pretty rough. Wait, you don't think I was actually gonna leave you alone at that did you?" He positioned himself from a kneel to sitting criss cross applesauce right in front of you while you sat on the swing.

"... yes" you said in embarrassment. You realized that all you had said during that fight with Joshua was that you wished Jeonghan had never come back. Considering you guys were best friends since diapers, you again realized Jeonghan probably would never leave at such a shallow comment. Now you felt stupid. "look okay, I pulled a dumb scene and I was angry."

"You also walked home in the rain and left your bag" He then pulled your bag from the side and set it in your lap. 

"Jeonghan I'm sorry" You said putting your head down.

"I know and I already forgave you. But I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

You let out a sigh. "Yeah I know my mom is worried." He rolled his eyes. "Yes and no." 

You paused in shame, "Joshua?" He said leaning closer and looked up at your eyes. He continued, "It would be a good start to clean all of this up. Then I'll help you worry about the rest"

"What do you mean 'rest'?" You questioned

"Your mom told me about your house. And how you'll have to move out. Also how you freaked out about how crazy that idea is" He got up and reached a hand to pull you up from the swing. "It is crazy!!" You said, he chuckled "We'll get you a room in the other apartments in the building next to ours" You both walked to his car and he opened the door for you, "And what about a job? I assume my parents won't be giving me money for working since ya know.. they won't be here"

"Well, you can always apply for a promotion at Pledis"

You didn't think about that. Just like your mother, he made it seem so simple. Which it was. The only thing you had to do now was mend the situation with Joshua, and explain to your mom about everything so she'd stop worrying.

You and Jeonghan were now driving back to your house. It was silent in the car. The familiar comfortable silence that always had no problem accompanying the two of you. But instead of consistently watching the window, you occasionally looked at Jeonghan, mesmerized at the new feeling your heart felt when you looked his way.

I'm your home (Yoon Jeonghan x Reader) - closedWhere stories live. Discover now