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You slept for about another 2 hours or so after that call.

You wake up... again. Third time today?

This time you were energized but you still felt the congestion in your nose. You sit up and twist around to crack your back with your eyes still shut. Facing your nightstand, you see your laptop closed sitting there next to a basket full of goodies, like your favorite snacks, cough drops and a little teddy bear holding a heart.

You remember putting on a Kdrama before you fell asleep, and you knew well that the basket was not sitting there before you dozed off. You turned around to twist the other way, and you see Jeonghan laying there asleep facing the opposite way cuddling one of your stuffed animals.

You let out a suppressed laugh. This wasn't the first time you both shared a bed. Back when your family would take Jeonghan on vacations, you both had to share a hotel bed because it was cheaper than to get a whole other room.

You poked his cheek, which didn't do anything. You squeezed his side, which was where he was ticklish, and he suddenly stuck his leg out and squeaked at your gesture.

"Aghh, what was that for?" He said with a deep sleepy voice.

You smiled, "You were asleep."

"And? I didn't do that to you" He sprawled out to stretch, taking most of your bed, while almost pushing you to the edge.

"How long have you been here?" You asked while scooting closer so that you weren't at the risk of falling off. His head popped up to look at your clock, then dropping back into the blankets.

You poked his arm now, "Hello sleepy head are you going to answer?"

He hummed in response, giving a muffled "about 30 minutes"

"That's a bit long. I hope you're not slacking from your job. You've been giving me much more attention than um... You used to."

He frowned at you. He knew what you were implying but it looked like you just stabbed him.

You realized that was a slip up, so you tried making him feel better, "I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, I don't want you getting in trouble"

He turn his head, "Yeah I know. Everything is okay, so don't worry about it."

"Okay" You responded with a tint of concern in your voice. There was a long silence. You then shifted to rest your back on the head rest and he flipped over to lay on his back with his arm over his eyes. The silence continued. You looked at him with a soft smile. He looked so peaceful. He looked so cute. Ahh! You would never say something like that. You were trying to get your mind off of thinking like that so you felt the need to thinking of a conversation starter quick. Your mind was racing until he asked you something while you both were still on the topic. "How about you? What happened to working at the bakery? you're always around us now."

Suddenly the pit in your stomach that you had this morning had come back, making those lovey dovey feelings just wash away as if they never popped up.

You both knew you weren't the type to sugar coat your words, so you just said it straight up, "Actually, the bakery is closing. Eomma told me this morning." You looked down at him with disappointment. His eyes widened. "But it's been there for years! That's your family's bakery too."

"That's exactly what I said, but it's been so slow. It's just not as popular anymore."

"Well when it closes, you've already landed a job at Pledis." He says in attempt to comfort you along with a pitiful smile.

"Yeah I guess so" You try to smile back.

He lifted his arm to point at the basket you saw earlier, "You got some stuff"

"I saw. You didn't have to go through that trouble you know."

"I didn't" Those words got you suspicious. You squinted your eyes at him, "Then who did?"

"Joshua. He insisted on getting something for you after I told him you woke up sick." That explains the distant chatter you heard over the phone. He continued, "I just told him what you liked. He went out to get them and brought them to me to give to you"

Joshua got it for you. That's cute. The only time you ever spend with him is when you spend your time at Pledis. It kind of made you feel bitter that he didn't come with Jeonghan.

"Why didn't he come with you?"

"Woozi wanted him to rehearse something"

That made sense. You wished he came along so you could see him and thank him. You stared off at your wall and smiled while fiddling your fingers.

Maybe he did like you.


Sorry this was super short, but I wanted to cut it off at Jeonghan coming by to visit. Thank you for reading! This story is still ongoing I promise.

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