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The face you wanted to forget was less than 10 feet away from you.
He was right there. What were you supposed to do? You weren't happy so you didn't act as if you were.

"y/n!" He smiled from ear to ear
"Long time no see!" still smiling.

You played it off as if you didn't remember him. Obviously you did but you didn't want to show it.

"Do I know you?" You said
kinda harsh but that's just too bad.

There were 7 Boys in your shop right now. All of which were popular.
Hoshi, Vernon, Joshua, SCoups, Woozi, Dino and of one who was already obvious, Jeonghan.

"Of course you know me... Right?" He sounded hurt.

You put your attention to fixing up whatever was messed up on the counter.

"Uh I don't think so. Other than you being a singer then sure but nothing else comes to mind."

You heard Hoshi whisper to Woozi
"He knows her?"

You heard S. Coups join in and whisper "Her attitude changed. She seemed welcoming and happy a few minutes ago before he walked in"

Dino whispered
"Is this a K Drama?"

They started giggling. Joshua joined too "Stop that" 

Vernon just watched.

"Anyways" you continued, "Here is your order. apologies for the wait"

"Thank you" They said in unison. Except for Jeonghan. He seemed sad, but nothing you didn't expect, It was his birthday. Maybe I was harsh a bit... You felt kind of bad. But then you thought about all those years you tried checking in with him without a response.

The 6 boys left the bakery and Jeonghan stayed behind. "Do you need something?" You asked him.

He just stood there.

You sighed, finally giving in to give him some relief.


He looked at you, you could hear how his head shot up

"You remember"

"How could I not?"

He was all happy and dandy again, but you still had a stern and cold expression on your face.

He slowly started walking up to you. You were standing behind the counter, grateful that the counter put some kind of space between you. "Aren't you happy to see me?" 

"Why should I be?"


Hearing your name through his voice made your heart race.

"I came here to see you."

A boy came back in the shop

"Jeonghan are you coming?" It was Vernon

The other ones followed back in.

"Give me a second." He turned quickly to them and put his focus straight back to you. "Y/n please." "I don't get why you're angry with me" Jeonghan sounded so worried

"I'm not just angry with you. How do you not get it? We were best friends for our entire lives and when you finally get what you want, when you finally achieve your dream, you leave me behind" you snapped. At this point it didn't matter who was listening. You were hurt and it was bottled up. "Every year I texted you Happy Birthday. I would check up on expecting no reply because every year I was used to it."
You kept going.
"You just disappeared Jeonghan."

I'm your home (Yoon Jeonghan x Reader) - closedWhere stories live. Discover now