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It's been 2 days.
You woke up tired. The blinds were closer with little sunlight shining through. You stared at the ceiling. You looked at the calendar and then your clock.
10/04 8:03am

You sat up, stretched, and gestured to grab your phone. You forgot about the other night. 

You remembered how angry you felt when you thought about sending a message to him.

"No. Not this year."

You moved your legs to the edge of your bed and just sat there for a minute. Eventually you got up and went to the closet, grabbed clothes, and dragged yourself to the bathroom.

When you got out of the shower you heard yelling,

"Y/N!!!!!" "COME HERE" 

It was your Mom's voice. It sounded groggy.

You quickly dried yourself, and almost tripped on yourself while trying to get your clothes on. "Give me a second!" You yelled back as you put your hair up in a ponytail, running down the stairs

"What? What happened!" You said with a tone of concern, looking at an old lady with her head dangling off the couch

"I'm too lazy to run the shop today" The old lady said calmly with a small laugh at the end of her sentence.

"Are you kidding me? Goodness you're dramatic." You walked back up the stairs to finish getting ready. "Whatever, I'll take care of it today. I have nothing to do anyway." You said slightly irritated. Today was your off day from working at the shop but even so, you really didn't have anything to do. You were more irritated at the fact that she sounded like she was in great danger only to find out that she was just lazy.

"Ahh thank you. I've been working non stop. You're a life saver y/n" She responded.

Your mom had multiple jobs. Your Dad was always away on business trips, so you don't see him very often. Your mother's side of the family owned a cute bakery and you were going to be in charge of it once your mom was too old to get up. Right now, she just doesn't want to get up. You were practically already in charge of it because your mom had other jobs to fulfill, but she still helped out.

After finishing getting ready and fixing your bag, you went back down stairs.

You headed to the kitchen for a little something to eat to fill your stomach.

"22, and you're still living here" She said out of nowhere

"I have to take care of you" You smiled.

"Make some friends. Go out. Find a boyYyYyy"

"AH, Shh I'm not ready for that kind of thing right now."
You didn't like that your mom always nagged you to get a social life. You had friends but none that were super close.

"What happened to Jeonghan, y/n? It's been awhile since I've heard you talk about him. He was a good kid, it's his birthday isn't it?."

You stopped. "Eomma, he's busy with his work." You tried your hardest to make it sound like you two still talked. To be honest, you had no idea what he was up to. Well you had 1 idea, which is his group, SVT, but you didn't know for sure, and you tried not to care so much.

You were a little irritated. Your day was off to a bad start because of her comment. It wasn't her fault, she was just curious. But you were definitely in less of a good mood.

"I'm going now." You grabbed your bag. "Love you"
"Love you too" She said back. She sounded worried about you.

Once you locked the door you were on your way to the bakery. It wasn't really walking distance but it was walkable, Even so, it was a nice fall day which relaxed you a bit.

10:00am Opening time

You got there right on time... for opening. You unlocked the back door, grabbed the cute brown and pink apron that had your name on the side and ran to the front to flip the closed sign to open, then you walked quickly to turn on the lights of the bakery and began getting to work. No costumers showed up for a while which was always normal. As usual it gave you time to make and mix and bake and all that. It took a little over an hour. You took all of your finished and cooled products, wrapped them and displayed them. You began making something else which was messy. Nonetheless, you had to do what you had to do.
You heard the front bell ring. Your hands were covered in dough and flour. "I'll be there in a second!" You washed your hands.

"Alright, How can I help you" You looked up and smiled. Some tall guy with a cotton mask and a hat on was standing in front of the counter. "Excuse me, but we don't allow masks in here. Sorry" You gave an apologetic smile.
He removed his mask. You recognized him. "You look familiar." You said

"I figure as much" He said

I figure as much. Weirdo, who says that? You were oblivious.

Anyways, he ordered quite a big order. Enough for a little over 10 people.

"Can I get a name for all of this?" You asked

He struggled as if he didn't want you to hear. "SC."

"Uh okay. Your total is (insert total lol)"


"SC" you mumbled. "SC..." You were curious as to what it was. You disregarded it quickly putting your attention to the order. The bell rang again but you didn't hear the door close. "Hello!! Welcome!" You looked up smiling again. There were more tall boys with masks. Total of 5.
The guy who ordered was still sitting there. "They're with me" He said, adding a gesture. You nodded at him. You heard the guy telling his friends that masks weren't allowed. You finished up preparation for his order and went back to the counter to give it to him. "Here ya go-" You stopped. Looked at their faces and your eyes widened. "You're Seventeen." You said calmly. You then realized that the 'SC' guy was S. Coups. They seemed surprised that you weren't freaking out. BUT OF COURSE YOU WERE. YOUR OLD BEST FRIEND'S GROUP WAS IN YOUR SHOP, also they were your fricken ult group. Yeah... you started stanning them after you found out about Jeonghan being an idol. You didn't show that you were freaking out inside. Suddenly, You heard laughing outside. "Ahh, Give my mask back!" The bell rang again. You saw another boy with a black mask in his hand and... him.

You grew a sudden, unexpected feeling of fury, but you had to stay calm.

The face you wanted to forget was less than 10 feet away from you.

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